View Full Version : Do you have a better/worse time of day?

14-02-12, 16:05
Hi ya
I was wondering does anyone have a good or bad time of day or is it random/all the time?

at the moment there is no pattern to my panicy times it can come at any time without warning.
last time i suffered i was always worse as the day went on and by bed time i was at the wosrt not sleeping(i think the worry of not sleeping made me worse as i hated waking up in the dark when knowone was about to talk to)

at the moment im having fluctuations throughout the day,i can go maybe 2/3 hours at most feeling ok rationalising with myself using all my coping strategies, then ill get a bit too bad and start panicing .
At the mo when im in that state im writing things down,or coming on here :)
How is everyone else getting by today:)

14-02-12, 16:22
sounds like a day im having woke up to kids fighting and argueing that carried on all morning so now im all anxious and cant get rid of it a bad nights sleep hasnt helped, usually my bad time is the evening when im a bit tired and im waiting for the kids bedtime but i use info off here so i dont go into a panic attack like thinkin positive and breathing slowly and calmly its horrible isnt it hope u feel better soon x

14-02-12, 16:36
Hi Rach29
i find having the kids around actually helps me ,its stupid really but i guess i cant go to pieces when theyre about and they keep my focus on other things beside my "ailments!" if only for short stints! its half term at the mo isnt it im actually quite pleased it is,as my nan died friday and i think if id been on my own id be alot worse than i am now x

14-02-12, 16:53
For some reasons mornings are better for me, and evenings are worse. I always feel a little better after sleeping. But winding down at the end of the day brings on anxiety for me.

14-02-12, 17:13
Mornings are worst for me. I wake up, and the anxiety hits, builds and the day seems overwhelming.

Evenings are usually good, and thankfully I sleep fine most nights

victor jara
14-02-12, 17:18
Hi Purple hippo,
I find that initially when I wake up I feel nauseus with anxiety, however I usually find the mornings better. As the day goes on I start ruminating about my neuro symptoms and worry about my family.

For example if my wife or daughter don't imedietly answer the phone My anxiety goes through the roof.
regards victor

14-02-12, 17:21
Mornings are always the worst for me, particularly when i first get up. Don't know why. I'm usually much better by lunchtime.


14-02-12, 18:20
Mornings are worse for me too, and ususlly feel a lot better by evening, and thankfully can sleep a full 8 hours x

14-02-12, 18:31
Mornings are my absolute worse, some mornings i even retch and gag with my anxiety :ohmy: i usually feel better as the day goes on but you can gaurantee even if i go to bed feeling calm i wake up in a high state of anxiety!! xx

14-02-12, 18:31
Mornings for me too-I tell myself on rising that this is the worst I'm going to feel all day and it's true

14-02-12, 18:37
Mornings for me too - I don't sleep well and find if I do drift back off I always wake an hour before I need to get up. The anxiety causes really bad stomach pains and I need the loo! Then from there I am very up and down. Evenings are ok until I go to bed then start thinking about things again!

14-02-12, 18:56
Morning. I often wake up immediately thinking "whats wrong with me today?" or going through a list of things mentally that I've been worrying about. "oh that's right, I might have oral cancer, that tooth looks odd, and I could be an alcoholic" .... then it goes into checking and researching. Once I get busier with work or whatever it tends to get somewhat better, depending.

14-02-12, 18:59
I find mornings are often better for me. I find that in the morning, I usually have to be focused on getting ready, getting the kids ready, breakfast etc. My worst time of the day is often in the late afternoon when I'm getting dinner ready for the kids and then it builds and builds. I then end up staying up late so that I am absolutely exhausted before I try to sleep. I can't stand being in bed and worrying.

14-02-12, 19:00
Mornings worst for me. That 30 secs as consciousness kicks in and the adrenalin starts flying. Takes all day to get over.

14-02-12, 19:05
Mornings. Definitely. When I wake up in the morning my heart is racing and I feel sick. I wish I knew what causes it and then I could try and help myself a bit.

14-02-12, 20:56
sorry about your nan hope your ok nice that your kids can take your mind off things a bit hope u feel better soon x

14-02-12, 21:06
Hi my anxiety comes and goes allday .it is driving me mad symptom after symptom

15-02-12, 10:30
Hi Purple hippo,
I find that initially when I wake up I feel nauseus with anxiety, however I usually find the mornings better. As the day goes on I start ruminating about my neuro symptoms and worry about my family.

For example if my wife or daughter don't imedietly answer the phone My anxiety goes through the roof.
regards victor

I am like this, too. I need to have my phone right in front of me all the time, I am always afraid to miss a call from the kids' schools or something like that. It's like I'm just waiting for disaster to hit:weep:

15-02-12, 14:20
mornings seem to be worse for several of us,i have fits and starts all day,id say evenings are slightly better though if im very bad,i worry about not sleeping which in turn probably stops me sleeping, im so heavily pregnant now luckily i sleep as so tiered. During my last relapse nights were worst i would wake up every 10 minutes as if id slept all night and wake up sweating in terror! hope that never happens again!
i get panics if i hear an ambulance while the kids are at school,convincing myself theres been an accident,ive been tempted to phone the school before on occasion to check!!!