View Full Version : Hate going to work and really depressed

14-02-12, 17:06
Just feeling really down at the moment and need someone to speak to.

Feel like everything is going wrong...hate my job and pretty much hate my life.

There are so many things to worry about this year, my driving test, re-taking my maths gcse and starting a teaching course in september and thats only IF I pass my maths again.

I feel sick and just want to hide away forever.

All my friends are doing so well in their lives and I just feel pointless.

14-02-12, 18:29
I seem to remember you having a problem with a terrible boss if memory serves me right? Get out of that job! Look on the bright side, you will pass your tests (I'm certain you can), ditch your job and have a bright new future ahead of you...but as Morrissey said, these things take time!

14-02-12, 18:57
Hi there,

I know how you feel when everything is crap it is really crap. I constantly compare my life to friends and family and feel everyone is doing well apart from me. I get anxious and depressed and then think what's the point. All I can do is empathise with you and say you are not alone. I went through a very dark time in my life at Christmas and was told at the time lets take things one day at a time. I did find it help me stop projecting that things will be bad all the time. I hope things in your life get easier and I wish you all the best.

take care swxx :hugs:

14-02-12, 19:22
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"

Winston Churchill.

Keep going and you will get there, don't worry about everything at once, tackle one thing at a time.:)

17-02-12, 10:28
new member. joined today. am sat at my desk, supposed to be doing my job. instead I am sat here surfing the net. feel like my brain is in "standby" mode today. am sure if you look into my eyes, there is a little red light in there waiting for someone or something to come along and switch me on again. sounds like teaching is the switch for you.... keep going.

17-02-12, 11:30
GirlAfraid23. Wow, you have so much going on for you at the moment. I'm quite envious. I sympathise with you in your crappy job but put the work in for that exam and you will soon be able to stick your fingers up at them all and say I'm outta here, I'm on the up. Or if it is a better option look for a different position.
What do you mean your life feels pointless? No way. You want to teach. It is a hard demanding job but so worthwhile. You want to teach the future generations of children, to educate them and show them how to be caring, responsible people. Good on you :yesyes:
Think positively about your maths exam and your driving test. It sounds as if you are feeling the stress at the moment but try to enjoy the challenges. You can pass them. You will pass them.
Be nice to yourself, and put in the hard work. Do it for yourself and because it is what you want, not because you feel you need to keep up with everyone else.
You think that everyone else has their lives sorted and are doing well but that doesn't mean that they are contented. I think you would probably be surprised how many would envy you your plans. Anyway, it really doesn't matter how they are doing or getting on. You only need be concerned with what you want from your life be it a teacher, a shop assistant or road sweeper. It is your life to live in any way that makes you happy. So work hard for it then go grab it. Above all enjoy it.
Good luck.:flowers:

Social in Sydney
17-02-12, 11:40
Girl Afraid 23, I know that feeling too. The last time it happened to me I vouched not to compare myself with others, they've had their past and I've got mine so how can we compare present results? Last time I decided to do things my way and thought "what do I truly enjoy doing?" and started doing it. It was singing. Forget about other peoples successes - they're often not so rosy - and focus on your building your own. Where were you this time last year? Have you made any improvements? Can't all be bad. If so, what was the best day of 2011 for you? Tell me what it looked like? What sounds did you hear? Spend some time reliving that day. Now, how do you feel? What did you think about yourself? That anythings possible? That you're ok and life can be good? Now, how can make today a great day? And what about tomorrow?

17-02-12, 11:48
Good post Social in Sydney.
And don't forget that our lives don't all grow and develop at the same rate. While those around you may seem to have achieved a degree of success now that does not mean that you will not overtake them at some point and go on to greater things. Do you own thing in your own time.