View Full Version : feeling so alone, isolated myself for so long now i have no friends :(

14-02-12, 19:02
Hi everyone, I'm only 18 and a couple of years ago I used to go out all the time and had a good group of friends...now as the anxiety has worn me down I have slowly started to slip away from everyone and don't feel like I belong in a friendship group anymore. Luckily I do still have my very close friends but unfortunately theyve all gone off to uni :(
I only have college twice a week and can't find a job, although I am looking. Everytime someone makes the effort with me I just blow them off or make an excuse and sit at home instead. The atmosphere at home is terrible, its just me and my dad and he suffers from depression and doesn't even bother asking how I am anymore.
I feel like such as waste of space, I want my life back but I have no energy to even try!
Someone give me some advice on how I get out of this lazy, unmotivated rut iv got myself in!
Thanks in advance for your comments :)

14-02-12, 19:18
Tough situation, when you withdraw yourself socially it then seems hard to get back to how you once were but you can do it. Maybe try harder to get a job, that way you will feel better and may meet people that way. Also in your spare time maybe look at doing some hobbies that will pass the time and give you enjoyment.

THe hardest bit is the first motivation to get out there, but it gets easier after that.

15-02-12, 17:11
Thanks for your advice, iv been handing out cv's and looking online all week as i have the week off so hopefully someone will get back to me! My anxiety is the worst when I'm at work though and all my previous jobs have put me off working big time! But I reallly need the money and a new job is an opportunity to meet people who don't know me so its like a fresh start.
I feel like my mates are punishing me for how iv been lately though which is only making me feel worse! They always do things without me now, which I can understand.. but today one of my mates text me asking if I wanted to go for a drink and I text back straight away sayong yeah and I got no reply and iv just seen on Facebook that their all out together. How childish they know exactly why iv been like that and not once have they asked how I'm doing!

15-02-12, 17:57
Maybe u should try to be the one who makes the plans! I went through something similar last year and I am only 25! My social life was non existent! Work was hard most days but was a distraction for me and got me out of the house and off google.

It could be an idea if u do some volunteer work? This way there is no pressure in you to stay in the job if u don't like it. I know that doesn't provide any money but it will take up some of your time and u might meet people that u can become friends with.

I think I am going through my bout of anxiety/OCD because I don't particularly like my job and I am putting pressure on myself to find a career that I like.