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View Full Version : cbt what is it?????

19-06-06, 22:48
hi i would firstly like to thank you all for your comments on my other posts. you are all so right i just have to convince myself of that and put it into practise.
but i was just wondering... alot of you have mentioned that i need cbt.. i dont no what that is could somebody please tell me ????
thanks :D

19-06-06, 23:13
hi thanks nigal

so it just like a counsellor or somethin i live in australia so i will have to look into it and see if they have a prgram over here like that
thanks [8D]

20-06-06, 02:58
Hi Kiss

I am from Australia too and as I said in my reply earlier....I have been going to CBT free of charge through our Queensland Menatl Health System. Mate..I am 30, have had HA for about 10 years on and off but pretty solid for the last 5. I started seeing my doctor for treatment 2 years ago but refused medication.....he would just listen and reassure me but it wasn't working. Nothing was working ...not even helping. After each visit to the docs I would feel good for about half a day at the most before I found something else to panic about. I swear I've worried for my sanity at times and felt sooo alone. The cycle is very similar for all of us who have this and I never believed meds would help me but it's amazing how normal I feel now and I've only been on them for 2 months. You need to try them with an open mind mate. We will waste our lives with ths thing if we don't try. Give it a go. I am on one called Aropax and I started on half a tablet for a month and now I'm on a whole one because I too was worried how I'd react. I felt better within 3 days........see how you go and let us know if you decide to try them. Hope this helps XX...PS...It's good to see others from Australia here.