View Full Version : lump in roof of mouth.

14-02-12, 21:31
I have got this hard lump in the roof of my mouth that has been there since thursday. It isn't sore unless i push it with my tongue. Does anyone know what it could be, do you think it has something to do with these nodes under my arm. Onto another worry now rrrr

14-02-12, 21:58
I had a lump like this and it was a wart but I can't say that is what you have.

The dentist is the best person to see to be honest.

14-02-12, 22:09
Ive got my check up at the start of march so will see what happens, it felt at first like a scratch, could have been me eating something and hurt my mouth and just not realised xx as for it being secondary cancer from the apparently non cancerous lymph nodes under my armpit is that crazy lol xx

15-02-12, 00:56
I'd agree the dentist is best person to ask, they know about all your mouth and the back of your throat not just your teeth, and since they specialise in this one area they are used to picking up what is normal and what isnt. My dentist says our mouth changes on a daily basis, I once noticed a rough red angry looking patch on the roof of my mouth I swore wasnt caued by eating anything sharp or hot, but h said it was nothing despite being there for a week and within 2 weeks it had gone so he was probs right.

15-02-12, 16:38

I've have had lumps on the roof of my mouth before, especially when I have had a cold or I am run down. It tends to come with sore glands elsewhere too. Have you been under the weather?

It could be a gland or sinuses, mine usually is, so wouldn't worry too much.
