View Full Version : Valentines upset

14-02-12, 21:47
Hey all, well my valentines day was pretty horrible because i couldnt relax :-(

decided to have a dr pepper and afterwards i had shakes. Now i used to drink fizzy drinks all the time, like 1 can a day, but for some reason im now sensitive to caffeine, i cant drink tea or energy drinks, whats up with that? its all happend in a few months.

If I skip a meal I get really bad shakes, like today but it may be because im on my period and also i have been in bed with a bad cold the past couple of days so not in a proper eating routine again.

I just have it in my head i have Hypoglycemia because all the symptoms are the same as anxiety and im freaking out about it all.

I get shaky when i dont eat... i just cant drink sugary drinks, but i can eat chocolate! since googling Hypoglycemia i have felt so panicky about it all :(

14-02-12, 21:49
Hi miss sunshine sorry to hear your not having a nice valentines, my partners away this week so I'm feeling all down and lonely too. Thank goodness its only once a year eh xd

14-02-12, 21:51
Sorry he is away :hugs: I just want to relax but now thinking i have a harmful condition = full blown panic mode

14-02-12, 21:56
caffeiine is not good for anxiety so steer clear.

Yes you need to eat regularly and keep the blood sugar levels stable then you will be fine

14-02-12, 22:04
I will, its not the hassle im even scared to drink a nice cup of decaf tea now tho.

Think I will start having regular meals, and snacks in between, even tho im not always hungry il have to force myself because the way i feel at the moment is terrible!

14-02-12, 22:05
I went in to full blown panic mode this afternoon as well. Mine was just from reading the advice note inside a treatment pack from the chemist. It said something like 'although this symptom is common with (too embarrassed to say), it can be the sign of something serious so you should consult your doctor'. It takes me a long time to realise the key word in the sentence is 'can' not 'is'. I just read 'serious' and I'm shaking and my heart is racing like crazy. Google is just the same for doing that to people like us.

The symptoms of anxiety are so cruel because they do tend to mimic the symptoms of more serious things which only leads to more anxiety, which makes the symptoms worse. It is a vicious circle.

A few years ago, I started to get sensitive to caffeine too. It makes me shake and my heart speeds up and I can feel it beating really hard. I can't drink coffee or energy drinks now. I wouldn't be surprised if it is anxiety that makes me more sensitive to caffeine. So, I would say try not to worry about it. (I know, much easier said than done.)

14-02-12, 22:12
It is defiantly a viscous circle.
You wrote "A few years ago, I started to get sensitive to caffeine too. It makes me shake and my heart speeds up and I can feel it beating really hard. I can't drink coffee or energy drinks now"
and that is exactly what is wrong with me! heart races, cant breathe and I shake beyond control, it goes after a while but it makes me think, was that drink worth it?

14-02-12, 22:19
Do you begin to get the shakes before you take it, as in when you pour it in the cup is that when you panic starts, maybe it happened once and you felt shaky, caffeine can do this, but anything can make you shaky even just a slight change in temp, therefore you now associate anything to do with caffeine and now hot drinks that don't contain it to you shaking, your probably not realising but you can't control it. I have the same thing with feeling very dizzy and migraines, everytime I have had a migraine, which I have once a year, and is very bad has always happened in decemeber, I have even had them on the exact date a year apart, and it has always been going outside in the snow/frost or cold weather, therefore I always feel as if I have a migraine coming if its december and cold. I take a deep breath and tell myself " You are doing this and you CAN stop it. I just wish I had the power to stop myself from doing other things like feeling my nodes.

Hope you feel better soon xx

15-02-12, 09:25
I'd recommend you to get away from caffeine as much as possible. Thinking that even black tea has some amount of caffeine in it, refrain from drinking too much tea also. I used to drink lots of black tea everyday, it didn't go well when I had anxiety related sleeping disorder, even though I never drink coffee, almost never. Green tea is better in that way.

You can try some other herbal drinks, like camomille or rennel tea (if you can find in your local shop). They are extremely good for relaxing the muscles.
Feel well soon