View Full Version : The side of my tongue is really sore all of a sudden!

14-02-12, 23:09
ive just about had it with all of these stupid symptoms seriously its ruining my life! something different every week! :( well anyways last night my throat started to feel sore but through the course of the night the right side of my tongue started to feel sore but anyways i went bed woke up this morning nothing ive felt fine all day but now its came back again and its really scareing me i asked my mum to look at my tongue and nothings there at all its not swollen no sores nothing and just the left side is starting to hurt aswell please help im losing my mind here! im so scared... and i know for a fact i havnt burnt my tongue or anything...do you think its just all anxiety once again?

15-02-12, 00:07
It's probably just anxiety. I know it's hard to imagine a physical symptom/pain as being something more mental, but it can be!
Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow.

15-02-12, 00:50
It could just be anxiety I think yes, I went through a phase of worrying about my mouh, from my tonsils, to throat, to gums... I ended up with bits hurting tht didnt before, I think a combo of stretching my mouth to see it at different angles made it hurt and then anxiety making it ache generally.

15-02-12, 13:21
Could be anxiety, maybe you bit it without noticing and are just now feeling the pain, could be beginning of a canker sore.

15-02-12, 14:18
Hiya. I've had the very same recently! Had a bad sore throat for days, but managed to get rid of it by gargling salt water.
Then my tongue got sore at the back. Couldn't see anything but felt like ulcers. I have being using Corsodyl mouthwash which you can buy from a chemist, it's for mouth ulcers and/or oral thrush and it really seems to help.
I've been worrying too but it seems to be a fairly common anxiety symptom. Also can be a sign of not enough vit B I think, which fits a I am a vegetarian!

15-02-12, 14:30
could the side of your tongue be catching your teeth? i think mine has done that in the past after ive had dental work done? or if youve eaten salt and vinger crisps ect?

15-02-12, 14:39
I agree, it's probably the anxiety. If you are a bit up tight you are probably tensing your jaw muscles which it turn pulls your tongue forward rubbing it against your teeth.
I do it quite a bit and it does make the tongue really sore.
Try to relax your jaw and tongue, you might need to pull a few funny faces in the process though.