View Full Version : Need a little info about blood clots

14-02-12, 23:54
Well I know none of us here are doctors but I didn't want to ask Dr.Google, HELL NO!

I am not stressed over this right now or anything, but if I search it in internet I will start getting concerned. I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with clots. I tried searching in forums but didn't get any good result.

I am lately experiencing some slight pain and pins and needles in my legs and arms, especially in right foot, around ankle. I don't get extreme bloating around ankles (I always had some all my life, especially in evenings) but after wearing my socks for a long time, I get those disturbing lines, very visible ones around that area. And I also have that warm feeling around the same ankle area, like blood flushing there. But not always. I do not know if younger people are in the risk range (young I meant like 35 - yea, still young! :D)

I was wondering if one should get worried about it, or should not even get worried? Yeah, you all know what I mean. Thanks.

15-02-12, 00:07
well pins and needles are common with anxiety i know that

i get the sock lines around ankles as well - i think as we get warmer our feet and ankles swell.

it could also be water retention

15-02-12, 00:08
They all sound like anxiety symptoms, though I'd say if you're worried still go to the docs :)

Don't get worried though, its almost always not as bad as you think.

15-02-12, 00:15
Thanks for the response.
Yeah I am also guessing the warm feeling can be water retention since I have that and bloating pretty often. As I said I am not worried over this thing, just didn't want to google it.

Sometime later, I am planning to talk to doctor and find the reason of that bloating in my body, especially around ankle areas. I want that question to be answered, at least.

15-02-12, 11:10
I have had experience of a family member and two friends with DVT in different parts of their body and your symptoms are nothing like theirs were!
One had it in calf, one in thigh up to abdomen and last one had pulmonary embolism. both the leg ones had very red shiny skin on legs with increase in size and constant pain that got much much worse on walking. The PE friend just collapsed with severe chest pains and could not breathe, he thought he was having a heart attack as did Drs but it was PE. He said no one could possibly not collapse becasue he could not breathe and the pain was horrific. Thankfully he survived.

15-02-12, 11:51
ive had 2 pulmonary embolisms ,and my symptoms were nothing like you are describing believe me if you had clots you would def know, the pain is horrendous having 4 kids was nothing compared to that mine was in my lungs xx