View Full Version : Hi everyone

15-02-12, 09:12
Have suffered from anxiety(health worries)most of my adult life. Having now reached the grand age of 40 I am constantly amazed that one of my many illnesses has yet to snuff me out. I first found this site a good few years ago when I was dealing with heart disease/brain tumors and whatever else I could find that matched my symptoms on a google search. Eventually started taking citaolpram and after a while I started becoming a bit more rational. Soon I forgot all about the site and started plodding on through life again. Have since moved to australia were family support is nil and job situation much the same. My little three year old boy has also just been diagnosed with Autism and my wife and my hands are already full with our six month old girl. I think it was these circumstances that lead me to have a bit of a health melt down again over the last few weeks. Firstly got a bout of Gastro(no big deal really)after a week or so, and many doctor appointment later the symptoms passed and I decided to start up the old citalopram again only for all the symptoms to return(sickness,stomach cramps running to toilet) admittedly to a lesser degree naturally this could mean one thing only- bowel cancer. Since my self diagnosis my long suffering dr has tested my unmentionables(nothing nasty found) given me a full blood screen(all good there) and sent me for an abdominal CT scan on monday morning. Collected my xrays soon after and was assured that the Dr's report would be faxed through that afternoon. Obviously I could not help but take a peak and with my extensive medical training picked up at the feet of the masters in there field from such fine universities as ER, Casualty, and House I was able to detect a circular tumor in a big fuzzy blob which I assume was a liver, a lump of bowel or possibly my breakfast ........well it looked wrong anyway! Racked with fear I awaited my appointment for the bad news. By this time I didn't have a tumor I was riddled likely weeks away from meeting my maker. A nurse hurried by, looking at me too intently for my liking;did she no the bad news was she helping prepare some chill out room were all grim news is imparted? After 30 minutes of waiting I was called in to be told everything was fine even the circular tumor was in fact a very common cyst. Despite all this great news and reassurance I still awoke this morning with sickness and abdominal pain, but Im trying my best to believe its something much less serous now. Sorry for going on a bit, its either this forum or my poor wife having to listen to me. Thanks for reading-steve

15-02-12, 09:13
Hi St3v3n

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

william wallace
15-02-12, 14:35
:welcome: G'day