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View Full Version : New symptoms... they never seem to to end

15-02-12, 11:01

Just after a bit of advise/ reassurance please...

Does anyone else suffer with the following symptoms:

Warm forehead - feels warm on the inside even though doesnt feel overly warm on the outside
Ramdom warm parts of the body and sometime with a bit of itchyness
Warm flushes
Headache when you wake up in a morning
feel like you have a virus or are coming down with something

I had been feeling really good over the last couple of weeks apart from a couple of tension headaches and now started with these symptoms :weep:



---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------


15-02-12, 11:46
Hi Claire,

I have different symptoms every day it seems...

I find it hard to believe they're just anxiety though. I have the following symptoms:-

vertigo type dizziness
tingling in my face, head and mouth especially when I'm tired
Feeling very tired and sometimes lethargic
Hot flushes
strange shooting pains in various places
jaw ache (mostly left side)
I constantly worry I have a brain tumor or some critical illness causing these symptoms...

Anxiety brings the symptoms and worrying about the symptoms increases my anxiety...how is it possible to even get well again when my head goes round and round in circles!
Hope you feel ok today ...Jo

Oh and twitching eye......forgot that one

15-02-12, 11:51
It drives you mad doesnt it... the one symptom I dont get that most people associate with anxiety is the racing heart or palpatations... that is why I find it so hard to accept that its all down to anxiety despite how many times my doctors tells me it is lol

Do you take any meds Jo?

15-02-12, 16:24
Racing heart is only one of many symptoms.

What you describe sounds like what I had/have.

For some reason recently my face is going red and I feel like I'm burning up, then I'll get a headache from being hot etc etc.

See how things go for a week or two, if it's not constant then it'll be anxiety :( its hard to believe you've got it when you think you don't!

15-02-12, 17:52
Thanks Danny, thats what happens o me, head gets warmer then end up with headache.. What's all that about?
How do u manage ur anxiety?