View Full Version : First day back at work completed!

15-02-12, 10:18
So yesterday I went back to work on a 10hr shift and fel quite anxious in the morning but as the day went on I felt ok. However this morning I feel really anxious and sick, hopefully the feeling will pass later!

15-02-12, 11:21
Well done, great achievement :) The first day is always the worst. I had the same feelings as you every morning....been back 4 weeks now. I still get that anxious, sick feeling every morning but my manager has been great and allows me some flexibility around the time I start. Expect the odd blip...I had a couple, but you can do it!!

Stay positive, good luck x

16-02-12, 17:22
So yesterday I went back to work on a 10hr shift and fel quite anxious in the morning but as the day went on I felt ok. However this morning I feel really anxious and sick, hopefully the feeling will pass later!

That was so me today!!! I work 11 hours shifts and today it has not gone as well as yesterday!! I woke up exactly the same as you!! Its so hard when you have been having so many good days isint??

Hope you have felt better as the day has gone on. I have been trying to ignore it all day!!


macc noodle
16-02-12, 18:20
Well done jayuk20 - onward and upward.


16-02-12, 18:20
well done :yesyes:

17-02-12, 10:25
Had a bit of a blip the last two days, been fairly down and tearful I'm sposed to be in work today but called in sick. Feeling terrible at the moment and quite disappointed that I had to call in sick.

17-02-12, 11:11
It's alright you called in sick, now you'll just have a little more time to recuperate. :hugs:

18-02-12, 09:32
Spoke to the doc today and she signed me off for a few days, she was also a little shocked that I was made to do a 10hr shift on my first day back so on the sick note she said about doing shorter hours.

She also suggested Valerian for sleep so will give that a shot.

18-02-12, 09:47
Stay positive Jay..... you will be back stronger than ever pal!

18-02-12, 09:49
Yay! Well done you :) x

18-02-12, 09:57
This cold doesn't help feel like crap on top of everything. I've got a short shift when I go back next week which is good. People think I have lost too much weight so gonna try out some Complan, though I tend to eat when I'm hungry it's just that it's not portions enough for two like it used to be!

18-02-12, 11:02
Hi Jay,
You did well doing a 10hour shift mate, i had a blip at work where i went back only managed two days then was off for another three months and now i have been back at work for 5 weeks, dont rush things mate and make yourself worse, going back to work is a great distraction but only when you are ready! dont put yourslef down for calling in sick and being off again am sure its happened to most of us! even now am plagued with physical symptons, within that 5 weeks i have been back i have wanted to call in sick alomost everyday or felt something at work that has set me off, its just dealing with it that helps us get by, i hope you feel better soon mate.

18-02-12, 11:19
Cheers guys many thanks for the kind words!