View Full Version : Appointment is tomorrow...

20-06-06, 03:02
I've recently come off my anti depressants for anxiety disorders, and the passed couple weeks I have been a total mess. Almost every situation seems to make me this way and I am in general very on edge and having scary thoughts and just awful feeling. I have a dentist appointment for tomorrow and I am really scared, I'm scared it will make me worse or trigger something and I'm not sure if I can do it. [It's the numbing stuff that scares me mostly, I heard it has epinephrine in it which can increase your anxiety and like the idea of having half my mouth numb from this stuff freaks me out. I have had episodes of depersonalisation that lasted months and sometimes intense OCD thoughts.. and basically general anxiety about everything, seriously & though I am doing pretty questionably lately I am worried this will make things worse] I didn't sleep at all last night and have been having trouble staying asleep the last week. That was me NOT thinking of the dentist, that was just me not being able to shut my head up. I really am not sure if it's smart to jump into this right now but at the same time I have so many cavities.... I really just don't know what to do. I don't want to go crazy and I don't want to panic in that damn chair either.

20-06-06, 07:53
Hi There well i have been a dental nures for many years and we see alot of people that suffer with anxiety and yes u r right the injections can make you worse but if u ask your dentist to use Adrenalin free local this should help alot and u will find that numb feeling will only last for about 2 hours rarther than 3-4.

We always find it useful knowing if a person suffers with anxiety so if u feel u can tell the dentist how u feel b4 he or she starts u my find this make u feel a littel better also. :D

Love & Light Sam

20-06-06, 08:14

Good luck with dentist appointment today. We'll all be thinking of you.x



20-06-06, 09:50
I'm with Sam - tell your dentist that you suffer with anxiety, and it's really hitting home at the moment, and I'm sure that they will do everything they can to make you more comfortable.

Good luck!

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

20-06-06, 21:31
Well I did it! I did take some Ativan though and that probably helped me keep calm even though in the chair I was a bit tense still. The injections were nothing No pain whatsoever, and the freezing wasn't even that uncomfortable. I could swallow and breathe just fine. They filled 3 cavities on my right side, next appointment is next month where they will do the other side. & yeah I did ask that he not put any epinephrine in the freezing solution and it worked perfectly without it.

So yay, 3 major accomplishments in a week.
- Went out to a concert
- Went to another, much smaller concert
- Got my teeth done.

Progressing I think.

20-06-06, 22:58
WELL DONE with your acheivements!!!
Good luck with your next appointment

Take care



21-06-06, 06:06
Thank you :)

21-06-06, 10:40
That's great news, well done! :)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

23-06-06, 09:15

I was going to post one like this, but i'll just continue here instead..

Last Tuesday, due to absolute intense pain, i had to go to the dentist. To my incredible achievement (very proud of it!), i went through with it - travelling time, waiting time and actual dentist time was over 2 hours and i got through it just perfectly. All they did was give me anti-biotics and now i need to go back there next week to have the tooth taken out. I did tell them i had anxiety and they were very good with me. I didn't know about that injection which will make my anxiety worse, so maybe i should ask them when i go. I was pretty confident of going back there - i've had an excellent week, going to various places, not feeling much anxiety at all. Now, yesterday, it all started to hit me again and now i'm very concerned about the dentist, because i know if i'm not 100% right then there's no way i can go - but i need this tooth out.


emma chant
23-06-06, 19:27

e chant