View Full Version : Anyone has panic attacks from taking medicines and it's side effects?

15-02-12, 13:30
I'm a terrible hypocondriac. I get very panicy if something feels weird or doesn't look the same as before. And when I do get ill, and have to take pills, like antibiotics, I get extremely anxious over the side effects it might bring. Especially allergic reactions. I kinda know they are extremely rare... but good god... Recently I had pneumonia plus sinusitis (not self diagnosed, I was at the hospital) and it was stressful for me as it is just knowing that I have it. And then they gave me this massive list of meds... My mum actually threw away all the inside leaflets so I wouldn't read the side effects. I still went on the internet to read about them.. I can't help it. I know these meds supposed to make me feel better but I'm completely terrified which in turn can potentially make me feel worse if I don't take anything... I don't know what to do anymore... Sometimes I'm scared to even take something silly like ibuprofen... I don't know how to stop obsessing about it. :(

15-02-12, 13:42
I am EXACTLY the same! I don't even like taking paracetomol! So when I am really ill and the doctor gives me medicine I get into such a panic worrying about the side effects that I actually make myself worse! I am glad to hear I am not the only one and would love not to be like this!

My husband accidently took a tablet that he thought was paracetomol only to realise it was an old pill of mine. He was like 'oh well never mind'!!!! I would have freaked and rushed down A&E!! Wish I could be like him!!

I would love to not be so scared of taking medication so let me know if anyone knows a cure!!!


15-02-12, 13:47
haha omg I would run to the A&E too! I just hate medicines. Especially something that I've never taken before. I sort of know I'm fine with ibuprofen, so I can take it, but only 1 and then i'm ok. But anything new - no way... it takes me ages to man up. Antibiotics and sleeping pills are the worst for me.