View Full Version : i'll slam YOU in a minute!!

15-02-12, 15:12
i simply hate it when people slam doors. for whatever reason, whether because they're annoyed at something, there's just no god damn need for it.

often people in my house just slam the door leading to the hallway outside my room, and when out of nowhere suddenly i get this unwelcome shock out of my skin like that, it gives me a sickening knot in my stomach like i've done something wrong. it makes me feel powerless and frustrated, like they're taking out some anger in the direction of my general whererabouts, or that they're sending a blunt message i'm not wanted to come back through there.

in my opinion it's immature and hostile, i'm just trying to mind my business, either something's pissing you off otherwise don't slam the god damn door or one of these days i'm going to actually have a heart attack from the anxiety! :wacko:

15-02-12, 15:51
Well said, couldn't agree more.

16-02-12, 07:50
i cant imagine you living in my appartment, the family above me are like a cage of wild monkeys, and slamming doors is there favoriite game lol....crazy people...hate them...

16-02-12, 08:32
Slamming a door feels pretty good when you're angry :)
It helps you get some of the rage out without hurting anyone or anything .
Maybe you could ask the people to not slam the doors ? It seems like its a regular accordance rather than something that happens now and again .

Social in Sydney
16-02-12, 09:37
You know, that would be a good task to challenge your anxiety. Do the CBT desensitising process for challenging anxious thinking. It goes like this. Rate your anxiety for going up to thr person who slams doors and asking them to stop because it gives you the heeby geebies. 0 is totally cool with it & 10 would be "call an ambulance, Im panicking so much I think Im having a heart attack". When you rate yourself, move onto the A,B,Cs of cognitive behavioral therapy - A. What's the situation? (speaking to the person who slams doors). B. What do you believe about this? (do this after C) C. In this situation, how do you feel and behave? (Im really apprehensive and I avoid speaking to them). Now go back to B. What's the belief that makes you feel C? ("I can't tell them, my voice always cracks, I get shaky and they'll think I'm an idiot").

Now do step D. What are the thinking errors? (Expecting the worst & mind reading). Now challenge these irrational beliefs. What if you didnt expect the worst? (I'd just say what I think and if they're unkind about it, well I tried, I was assertive and maybe they will think twice.

Anyway, that's the gist, it could be a good challenge for you and get this person to stop. I hope this all makes sense. I'm sorry but I've had to rush it because my daughter needs me. Good luck mate. Let us know if u do.