View Full Version : Urinating all the time again!

15-02-12, 16:51
Hi all again

I posted about 2 weeks ago because of frequent urination which I have been experiencing since oct 2011, and I really did think I was getting somewhere when I had a pretty normal/good week last week, but this Monday it started again and I'm really fed up :( had all test recently done and docs can't find anything wrong and I know I've posted on here and got some very good comments, thanks, but can't understand how all last week I was fine and then back to square one this week? Anyone else had this?

15-02-12, 22:50
Sometimes your anxiety symptoms can return when it seems out of the blue. I notice that with mine - I think I've finally calmed down and moved on, and then bam - back with the symptoms. I've gotten frequent urination from anxiety before, too. If I think about it a lot it comes back, more noticeable when I think about it. If it's only been a week, I would give it a bit longer and see if you start feeling better again soon. Have you found anything that helps with this symptom?


16-02-12, 11:39
Hi Thanks for your reply
Its very annoying, loosing the will to live, cant understand how im desperate for a wee, then 10 minutes later im desperate again, this could happen 4 times one after another, usually in the morning before I feel a bit better, its a weird symptom, and they are like proper wee's as well, are you like that? just dont know how to get rid of it, and no not found anything what helps.

16-02-12, 11:51
I didn't see your original thread so forgive me if you mentioned these things then, to pass so much water you must be drinking quite a lot? I remember when I was going through a fitness phase I was eating lots of protein, plus shakes and going to the gym for an hour and a half every day which meant I needed to drink 3-4 litres per day of water (I've never liked tea or coffee) and I was peeing all the time LoL drove me nuts! Also are you taking any diuretics in your diet? Caffeine and alcohol are te main culprits but there are many others? And lastly if your passing water is directly cause just by anxiety alone maybe it would be a good idea to try propranolol, anxiety releases adrenalin into your body and that has many effects which can include urination and diarrhoea. I know drugs work differently on each persons physiology but I have been taking it for a week an find it to be very effective!

All the best,

16-02-12, 14:08
Hi Connor
Thankyou for replying!
I dont feel like I drink alot maybe two/thee cups of tea in a morning, but I do drink quite alot of alcohol, not every night but prob every other i.e bottle of wine, cant understand how last week felt a bit better, which was my first good week since october 2011, then this week back to urinating frequent and urge to urinate alot, sometimes when a bit more relaxed the urge isn't as strong! but I do feel abit more anxious this week for some unknown reason lol.

Had all urine checked several times, full bloods done, ultra sound (kidneys & pelvic area/bladder) and cystoscopy and all clear, my doctor says I have health anxiety as I worry about illnesses all the time, this started I think when my dada died 10 years ago of secondary bone cancer and he was very ill for a year, sorry for rambling.

Im waiting for CBT so hope it helps, just find it hard to believe that urinating can be a symptom of anxiety, as for the propanolol, my doctor has prescribed me these but haven't been taking them every day, which I think I need to do.

Thanks again!


17-02-12, 04:21
I've had a couple different types of frequent urination associated with anxiety. One is where it feels like I have to go even if it's only a few drops. Like, I will go to the bathroom, come out, and almost immediately start feeling like I have to go again. That is definitely anxiety (has also been med related for me) but it goes away when I stop being anxious or stop thinking about it. The other thing that happens to me, which I think is partially anxiety related, is when I feel i desperately need to go, I go into the bathroom and end up going quite a LOT (and its usually completely clear) then within 10 mins or so my bladder has completey filled up again and I desperately have to go again (alot again and it's all clear). This cycle ususally happens 3 or 4 times and then I'm back to normal. The wierd thing is sometimes it happens when I'm anxoius, but a lot of the time it seems out of the blue. I'll notice it'll happen if I eat really watery foods, like a big salad or a bowl of ice cream, and sometimes if I drink a lot of water. It also happens often if I drink alcohol (and usually not that much - it can happen after just 1 glass of wine). It gets really frustrating because it's not just the feeling that I need to go but don't actually end up having to go (like the first example I have) but this is like a very desperate need to go within 10 minutes, and the wierd thing is it's always completely clear. It's like my body suddenly decides it wants to flush out all the water in my system. I don't know if this is the same as what you experience. While this is a totally annoying symptom for me, I just have to accept it because it's happened on and off for as long as I can remember, and have had all the tests done and doc says everything is fine.

17-02-12, 06:01
Jaynehal when you need to go is it because your bladder is actually really full that you need to go? or is because your bladder muscle is loose that it feels the need to contract often that you need to go? the second one being that you only wee out like a teaspoon everytime you go. Do you have pain and burning at all? or irritation?

Last winter I went through hell an back with my bladder, it kind of felt like there was something in my urine that was causing irritation to my bladder and it wanted to get rid of it urgently like right there and then even if its only a teaspoon of wee inside of me it just wanted to get out. I was sore and felt irritation and I was going like every 15 minutes or so, work was annoyed with me which caused me to leave in the end.

I told my gp she put me on a medication called oxybuynin which I take one at night and one in the morning. I have had urine tests and found no infection, the only thing though is that I noticed it doesnt actually feel like a UTI as I remember a different pain to my childhood UTIs as its just irritation.

Sorry about telling my life story lol but I have found the oxybutynin really helps, if its worse on cold chilly days then a hot water bottle placed on your lap really helps too.

Anyway I hope that helps and I hope you can get it sorted soon because I know how horrible it feels.


---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 18:56 ----------

Just reading your posts again. I would def try oxybutynin well at least give it ago it may help you alot. My bladder is alot better now and I just still take the medication morning and night. I would ask your doctor about it anyway.

17-02-12, 09:41
Thanks for the posts you two

Valley, I am exactly the same as you, I feel your posts are me all over! I'll wee at 10am then 10.20 then 11am then maybe again at 11.40 not always the same time but I can go every 20mins with a full bladder feeling and do actually produce a bit, not just a trickle lol, and yes mine is almost clear!! Weird wish I knew how to get rid of it, and I'm always thinking to myself this can not be anxiety!!!

Thanks for mentioning the meds you take, I'll mention them to my doc, I've already asked for meds before though and she said it's anxiety and will hopefully go with Cbt.

How annoying is this symptom!!

Thanks again

17-02-12, 09:45
Also tea and alcohol are both bladder irritants and will make you wee alot. I have cut down on tea as I kept going, but still have a big cup before bed and am up alot in the night xx

18-02-12, 06:31
Also tea and alcohol are both bladder irritants and will make you wee alot. I have cut down on tea as I kept going, but still have a big cup before bed and am up alot in the night xx

well that totally explains my bladder playing up at its worse when I was on a green tea health thing, I was drinking four cups a day everyday last winter so I wouldnt get any colds and flus, unfortunately my bladder suffered instead.

I can never enjoy myself out if alcohol is involved because I am forever on the toilet with pain and constant urgent need to wee.

16-06-24, 14:42
Hello, probably you won't see my message, but if you do, would you mind telling me if you still experience this?