View Full Version : Health Anxiety (An old pro If you need)

15-02-12, 18:55
Please feel free to ask me any questions related to health anxiety. I have suffered this at its very worst form on and off for 15 years! I have tried many medications and am currently on cbt. If I can help I will. Drop me a msg or reply here!:)

You are not alone


15-02-12, 19:03
Thanks, David. I'm also a long-term sufferer (16 years and I'm only 31!). It's only been in the last few years that I actually realised that my problem is anxiety about my health, rather than my health itself. However, the fact that I've realised this hasn't stopped me from worrying/obsessing over my health. I've recently been to see the doctors about my anxiety and I'm waiting for my referral to CBT to come through. How's the cbt going for you?

sherylee xx
15-02-12, 19:10
can i ask what sympyoms you have and have had robocop192 xx

15-02-12, 19:23
Hi guys. Second session of cbt was great next one on monday. Ive had the whole spectrum of health anxiety from hiv to lupus to brain tumours. I dont seem to get an email msgs saying whats happening. Mainly skin probs such as rashes the odd bit of folliculitis in terms of external symptoms. In the head is another matter but I have done a video on

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t0X1AilDPI talking about what meds im on and the weight gain its caused. If I dont get an email saying that I have had a reply feel free to email me on youtube or davidharvey192@aol.com I have skype davidharvey192 also

As I said if I can help I will as I have been on the edge many times!


---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------

I have to pop out now but when I return I will be happy to answer any questions or say hi! x

15-02-12, 19:38
Hey David
Thanks for the offer. I have yet to pluck up and set out my story on here, but it is awful at the moment. Maybe you can advise. I am currently on Beta Blockers and diazepam for 'those' moments. However, my symptoms at the mo include an awful feeling of what can only be described as being like sunburn, mainly on my thighs. No rash or anything, just a prickly heat feeling. Of course, in my head it's cancer or MND, but have you had this?
P.s. Being a movie fanatic, I have to ask about the robocop reference!

15-02-12, 21:47
Hi David, guess a lot of us would love any kind of assistance. I have suffered since a kid and now 43. I suffer from worry about my heart racing and chest pains, stroke I sometimes get spotted vision where I look at a word and their is letters missing blacked out, I instantly get the heart racing which I am sure blood pressure must follow somewhere in this circle. Tough finding a councler or a doctor to really direct cause of course what I fear could and can happen at any time in life. Any advise you have I would so appreciate.

15-02-12, 23:39
Hi guys!

Abarth I sympathis the burning you feel I have had before and still get. Strangely on my left shin and neck! It's common and I have had this before 15 years ago but just on my neck! I get rashes a lot too but the sunburn feeling doesnt have a rash! Feel comforted its normal.

TT those symptoms I have all suffered. The chest pains I suffered badly before and now to the point where you feel like you will have a heart attack. its a cruel form of anxiety to suffer as you can never have fll assurance. I had it 20 and 35 and its still scary! My eyes go nuts of ten too.

Any more questions fire away!:)

---------- Post added at 23:39 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

Anyone on meds hee? I am on second week of cbt and mine is great focussing on health anxiety. Having said that I have had a high stress day and have a mouth ulcer and nasty hive and rash on my neck to show for it! Oh and a burning neck! Its not nice but im fighting it:welcome:

16-02-12, 07:31
So, you are still currently suffering and in CBT? Let us know how it goes. I've had hypochondriasis since I was a child, and I am now 32. The last couple years it's gotten much worse. I keep hoping to get back to CBT when I can afford it.

16-02-12, 07:37
Hi Mandy

We are very lucky in the uk we do not have to pay for these services. I am always happy to email you some puf's of modules i am emailed from my cbt with some strategies if it helps. Health anxiety is stubborn and recurs at any stressful time of life and is very resistant.

I will be doing youtube vids if anybody wants a visual/audio guide so to speak. I have the one vid already or prozac and zispin and how its working for me. ANy questions mail me anytime :)

16-02-12, 14:02
hi ya
thats such a nice offer thankyouxxx
ive had ha for several years but had periods where i have been better, back in a relapse at the mo due to my nan having cancer (she lost the fight just last week) but i was involved in her care and treatment and to be honest it wasnt somthing i should have done but i felt pressure to support my mum and obviosly my nan so i was put in very uncomfortable situations as someone with an ongoing terror of cancer(i cant even use a pen from macmillan ect!) but last year i was taking nan to chemo and saw so many ill people i tried to be brave but was breaking down inside sadly.
anyway we all have our problems so dont want to harp on,
i hope you continue to be positive and cope with your HA xxx

16-02-12, 14:16

No worries feel free to mail me or skype anytime. I am off this week but I finish work and am online usually by 5pm so im always happy to chat to people inbetween songwriting!

I am having a rash day today due to cycling friction. Every symptom is a test guys don't forget it!:)


16-02-12, 15:04
Hi David
Just wondered if you could help, I've got frequent urination through health anxiety, don't know how this would cause urination, I've had health anxiety for years it drives me mad! Always think I'm ill :( have you ever heard of this symptom, it's weird

16-02-12, 15:06
Hi Jayne!

Its a biggy for me too. I need to urinate constantly at night as im restless until my bladder is empty. I also need to go a lot in the day. My mum suffers the same problem and looses bladder control quickly and needs the loo. Shes been checked and is fine. I am on skype now davidharvey192 if anybody has any questions! Hope it helps Jayne if you need anything else im here!

17-02-12, 19:32
Hi David .. i posted about a bubbling sensation in the middle of the chest ... sometimes also feels like my heart is fluttering .. i suffer regular with heart palps ansd have also just been diagnosed with sleep apnea

17-02-12, 19:41
Hi Amanda

Its something that happens to me too. Heart pals are scary but very common. I was sick several times with the winter vomitting bug and had several! If theres anything else I xan help with let me know!


17-02-12, 19:45
Did you ever have tingling hands and feet? My hands have a prickly feeling on and off.

17-02-12, 19:46
Since having thyroid cancer twice and last year a total thyroidectomy I have suffered with health anxiety and this week its reached an all time low . Not a day has gone past where I have not thought that every little pain I have had is it a heart attack or the cancer back or do I have some thing else wrong with me . I now feel so drained and physically sick that I do not have any energy left in me to fight . I broke down at work today and just cried for an hour I know that deep down it is my own mind that is causing me to think like this but I can not seem to stop thinking the worse all the time . I am so scared of dying and leaving my children behind but feel like I am allowing this to rule my life and don't know what else I can do , I am on citalopram and have been for the past 3.5 years I also take diazepam when the panic gets too much , I just feel I am stuck in a big hole and cant get myself out of it .
I realise I am a very lucky person and that there are people out there who are in a worse situation then me but its hard really hard .

17-02-12, 20:04
thanks for being there robocop, ive had severe HA for 5 years im 32yrs old. ive added you to my contacts :) xxx

17-02-12, 21:27
@jakesmummy Thats def because of shallow breathing. Deep breathing is well with sticking at. I find it hard but the results are great. It really helps to focus on something nice at the same time like a happy memory!

@megapanicalways. I take diazepam too and its a great panic button. Obviously addictive though. I posted a video on my reviews of prozac and mirtazapine which I both take. Mirtazapine works really well for me so check it out if you feel a change or meds are an option. I think it sounds like in this case it could be quite useful. All info on my profile msg or skype me anytime and i will get back asap!

@pearl! Thank you If I can give anything back its a pleasure. Ive had ha 15 years on and off and im still here so theres hope for us all :)


---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t0X1AilDPI is the review of mirtazapine and prozac!

17-02-12, 21:28

17-02-12, 21:30
Thank you pearl! As I say always willing to help or chat if im on here which is a lot or skype. I know how bad anxiety is to ones health and how important to reassure yourself!xx

17-02-12, 21:52
will email you tomorrow.. could really do with support from someone who understands... <3

17-02-12, 21:58
Hi robocop...i wasnt feeling unduly anxious...then tingling/pins and needles feeling started in foot..is this normal for this to occur...just to come on foe no apparent reason...thanx

17-02-12, 22:47
Hi Robocop...

It's great that you're offering assistance to those who need it.

I don't need any help for myself at the moment - suffering a few issues but i'm managing to control them. I would like to say that a) i like your music... i'm just listening to Turn My Love Around at the moment and it's a very nice track. As someone who (used to) write music, i can appreciate the work, and the emotion, that goes into it. I bet one or two of your songs relate to your HA!! If you want to hear one of my old tracks... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TByIyHqlTnA... it's not wonderful but it's mine!! I'm afraid i don't have time to do much now but i'm learning to find the time as it helps take my mind off of my HA. I have a day job, a photography business and two children that take up much of my day so i can write tunes when i'm up until 4am, unable to sleep with my HA!!

And that brings me onto b) Your daughter looks very cute and you look like you have a great relationship with her. And that leads me to a question that may benefit a lot of people on here... how have you managed to keep your HA from her? I do have concerns that my HA may rub off onto my children if they see me checking things or hear me mention it to my wife. It's not so bad with my 3 year old but the 9 year old notices a lot of things now!!

18-02-12, 10:24

The tingling is almost certainly due to not breathing enough. I find it hard to do breathing routines but try and take lots of calm long deep breaths. Breathing into a paper bag helps too. If I can help anymore just ask. It happens to me all the tme btw!


Thank you for the nice comments about the music. With regards to my daughter, I only see her once weekly as I am separated but I manage to keep myself and her distracted while I am there. Generally once I am with her and have something to do I am not too bad. Any bad habits will generally be out of eyeshot. All I can hope is she will have her own personality when older but I think HA is generally due to traumatic experiences and being a deep thinker. Hopefully she will be a thinker but not have too many traumatic experiences!

I shall have a listen to the music and thanks again! Any more questions I am always here!

18-02-12, 10:54
Thank you pearl! As I say always willing to help or chat if im on here which is a lot or skype. I know how bad anxiety is to ones health and how important to reassure yourself!xx

whats your skype name?
or is it best to email you? x

18-02-12, 11:02
Hi Pearl! Skype is davidharvey192 if im on skype (such as now) im always free to talk if not you can message me its always a bit quicker on skype!xx

18-02-12, 11:04
will look for you now :)

18-02-12, 15:37
Hi guys. I have set up a youtube channel where I will talk through my health anxietys and answer any questions you might have. If there are any physical sympotms I will do my best to show them (as long as it's decent) SHould have my first vid up by 7pm gmt tonight so please subscribe and ask away. I can always talk to people on skype too as mentioned before. All of that on my channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/Myhealthanxiety?feature=mhee


18-02-12, 20:03
Hiya looking forward to watching your vids
this week i have hit rock bottom.

For some reason I have felt sick every day and when I eat i cant breathe properly..
also got a dull pain in chest, belly fall of gas and upper back hurts! all this came on this week and i'm convinced somethings up! I am 22 dont smoke and have had HA for 5 years but i am so depressed this week :(

18-02-12, 20:47
I have suffered with health anxiety for 8 years
I worry about my heart if I have palputations-at the moment I have had a few fuzzy feelings and am frightened that I am going to pass out!!
It is really affecting me at the moment and interfering with my daily life as it is all I can think about. Has anybody else had light headedness caused through anxiety?

18-02-12, 21:50
hi Miss sunshine! Well from the symptoms you have hopefully I can put you at ease!The sickness is almost anxiety. I had it so bad once my gp gave me an anti sickness pill (cant remember the name sorry) When you are eating it is hard to breathe anyway! Its not advisable to do both ;) that is almost certainl way too much focus on that. Chest pain is anxiety and the nerves in your chest region go round to to the back which is why your upper back hurts! Ive had that so bad i asked my mum to call an ambulance and i was only 20! My youtube channel is up and running so go have a look I have done my first vid on skin issues http://www.youtube.com/user/Myhealthanxiety?feature=mhee I have done another video which is on my music youtube ( i am a musician) which is a review of medications (3 of which I am on) if you go back through this threaf you will find it there. Apologies in advance for all the 'ers' I say! :)

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:46 ----------

@molly! Hi!

Heart palps are common. I get them often and they are scary along with light headed feelings. Im not sure the exact biological cause but I know that and light head is very much anxiety. I often feel light headed especially when I get up. I get light headed if i read something that upsets me. Often I get heart palps for no reason. Its scary but short lived and painless. Try not to worry but like I said in my last post I have details of my youtube channel and skype help is always at hand!

18-02-12, 22:32
Thanks alot david, that has defiently reasured me! I have just watched your video and its helped me already, as lately i have been getting dry patches on my skin, i was thinking it was a under lying illness little did i know it was anxiety or stress! will defiently get e45 cream, thanks for doing the videos, i do not have a youtube so cannot subcribe but i will be sure to keep checking back to see if you have new videos up. I am glad your doing well with the anxiety, and thanks again you seem like a great chap :)

18-02-12, 22:37
Thank you miss sunshine! Im glad it helped! Il try and post on here new vids or maybe bookmark my youtube page so you can keep up! Feel free to let people know about the video and my channel as the more people that i can help the better!x

18-02-12, 22:47
This has to be one of the worst things to panic about as its your very being. If you can't trust your health than what can you trust

18-02-12, 22:58

It is a living nightmare hence me offering any help I can offer!

18-02-12, 23:20
Thats really brave of you to put yourself out there like that .I hope you success in your goal of helping people as i know just how scary it can be while health becomes an issue

18-02-12, 23:29
Hi Mandy

We are very lucky in the uk we do not have to pay for these services. I am always happy to email you some puf's of modules i am emailed from my cbt with some strategies if it helps. Health anxiety is stubborn and recurs at any stressful time of life and is very resistant.

I will be doing youtube vids if anybody wants a visual/audio guide so to speak. I have the one vid already or prozac and zispin and how its working for me. ANy questions mail me anytime :)

Hi Robocop, I just have to say its very nice of you to share your experiences of health anxiety. I am very new to being diagnosed with health anxiety and panic disorder and I still can't except its just that I feel very alone and isolated as my friends and family just laugh at me now when I say I have a particular illness. This all started 5 months ago with chest pains which I thought was a heart attack and escalated from there I suffer with cramps in my leg and pins and needles in my foot and convince myself its a blood clot I also get bad neck pain and headaches and think its a rumour every ache and pain I think its a serious illness and its so tiring and stressful and emotionally draining and i feel for all of us that suffer with this.

Have you had the cramps, headaches and did you feel they were serious illnesses?

Also I have had ecgs blood work xrays all negative but I still feel theres something sinister.

I am awaiting cbt

18-02-12, 23:32
This all started 5 months ago with chest pains which I thought was a heart attack and escalated from there I suffer with cramps in my leg and pins and needles in my foot and convince myself its a blood clot

I've been taken to A&E more times than i can remember with chest pains
It really is one of the most horrible feelings when you think that your about to have a heart attack

19-02-12, 06:07
@neroo thank you for the kind words I like to give something back to people if poss! @lisa yes many times did I see the docs with all your symptoms. Stress makes these terrible things happen. There are lots of muscles and nerves in the chest area that tighten during stress. Pins and needles is lack of oxygen due to shallow breathing so make an effort to breathe more slowly and deeply. Like you all my blook work is fine. Can I suggest people on this thread check out my youtube channel which I have created for HA. I will discuss symptoms and answers questions on it and and show any pyhsical symptoms (within reason!) to give some assurance to you guys. Its free to reguster and subscribe to my youtube channel by creating an account or bookmark the page and check weekly. will always post here but I feel a visual is good as a reading isnt always enough! I am always here so fire away if need be. Im setting up my own little website too which should be up and running soon! Heres the youtube channel

---------- Post added at 06:07 ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 ----------

Hi Robocop, I just have to say its very nice of you to share your experiences of health anxiety. I am very new to being diagnosed with health anxiety and panic disorder and I still can't except its just that I feel very alone and isolated as my friends and family just laugh at me now when I say I have a particular illness. This all started 5 months ago with chest pains which I thought was a heart attack and escalated from there I suffer with cramps in my leg and pins and needles in my foot and convince myself its a blood clot I also get bad neck pain and headaches and think its a rumour every ache and pain I think its a serious illness and its so tiring and stressful and emotionally draining and i feel for all of us that suffer with this.

Have you had the cramps, headaches and did you feel they were serious illnesses?

Also I have had ecgs blood work xrays all negative but I still feel theres something sinister.

I am awaiting cbt

Hi Lisa reply below! I am just getting the hang of this forum posting!x

19-02-12, 15:16
You are so kind, HA is the pits. Currently have daily headaches and strange sensation in left side of face... :-(

19-02-12, 21:36
You are so kind, HA is the pits. Currently have daily headaches and strange sensation in left side of face... :-(

HiyaI had daily heafaches too and felt really 'dim' as I called it. Strange sensations are common and pins and needles in face or anywhere are common. For example my under my tongue felt weird today for about 5 mins, Forgot abot it then it went!

I think it's important to focus on something distracting. Have a look through the thread and check out my youtube channel. I am going to discuss HA in depth at least once a week and in depth. I am going to set up a blog/symptoms site too with soe handy hints. If you can subscribe that will help!

Together we can beat this!:)

20-02-12, 11:26
Hi, thank you for your reply. I have subscribed to your youtube channel. The headaches are easing but the strange sensation down my left side always seems to be there. But I am going to distract myself and go to the gym later.

20-02-12, 17:29
Hi, thank you for your reply. I have subscribed to your youtube channel. The headaches are easing but the strange sensation down my left side always seems to be there. But I am going to distract myself and go to the gym later.

Gym will def burn of some adrenaline which causes all those tingles and flight/fight responses that can give you tingles or pricks etc! If you went to the gym and ran every day or 2 and drank 2 litres of water at least a day you will feel a big difference I promise!:)

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:26 ----------

Hi Robocop, I just have to say its very nice of you to share your experiences of health anxiety. I am very new to being diagnosed with health anxiety and panic disorder and I still can't except its just that I feel very alone and isolated as my friends and family just laugh at me now when I say I have a particular illness. This all started 5 months ago with chest pains which I thought was a heart attack and escalated from there I suffer with cramps in my leg and pins and needles in my foot and convince myself its a blood clot I also get bad neck pain and headaches and think its a rumour every ache and pain I think its a serious illness and its so tiring and stressful and emotionally draining and i feel for all of us that suffer with this.

Have you had the cramps, headaches and did you feel they were serious illnesses?

Also I have had ecgs blood work xrays all negative but I still feel theres something sinister.

I am awaiting cbt

Hi Lisa did I reply to your question? I am sure I did but didnt see it! Private message me if you need or on here i will pick it up today!

21-02-12, 15:20
Just to let you know I have some health anxiety pdf's if anybody needs them. I can email them free to you just let me know!

21-02-12, 16:18
Hi David

I too am an old hand at this.
Suffered severe health anxiety about 3 years ago, had all the symptoms, even called an ambulance when I was convinced I was having a heart attack. I have had ECG tests done and CBT, for me it was a combination of CBT and some online articles that freed me of the constant anxiety and panic.
This is a great post and I too would be happy to help if I can.


21-02-12, 16:21
Hi David

I too am an old hand at this.
Suffered severe health anxiety about 3 years ago, had all the symptoms, even called an ambulance when I was convinced I was having a heart attack. I have had ECG tests done and CBT, for me it was a combination of CBT and some online articles that freed me of the constant anxiety and panic.
This is a great post and I too would be happy to help if I can.


Hi Marc! Hope I can be of some help! I will post a weekly youtube video and always be here to help if I can. I covered skin care in my first one the link is in this thread somewhere and I also have a review of prozac and mirtazapine and its pros and cons!

Hope it helps!

21-02-12, 21:48
Hi again David

I have had lots and lots of symptoms over the years and I know lots of them are caused by anxiety. My symptoms have included: muscle twitches, ear popping, muscles vibrating, shooting pains up my arms, indigestion, eczema, ibs, fast pounding heart beat, 'white coat' high blood pressure, missed heart beats, tingling and pins & needles in my feet and toes. At the time I didn't realise they were anxiety-related so they were all very worrying. Currently, I've got some symptoms that I can't connect to anxiety so they are worrying me a lot at the moment, but I won't go into those here.

What I wanted to ask you about was your view on back pain. Last year, I started suffering from lower back and buttock pain shooting down my legs (sciatica). The pain was intense and I could hardly walk. At its worst I would wake up and it would take me 20 minutes to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom (which is literally just a few steps along the corridor). Pain killers made absolutely no difference. It took me over 9 months to recover (I'd say I was about 95% better now). It was diagnosed as a slipped disc in the end, although no evidence of this was found on MRI scan (but the MRI was done when I was starting to feel better). I have read a lot around the subject of back pain and I came across a theory about TMS or Mind Body Syndrome. My understanding of the theory is that the subconscious creates physical symptoms (through decreased oxygen supply) to distract you/protect you from unresolved/suppressed feelings (anger, rage, anxiety etc). I'm not sure that I think it is about suppressed feelings but I know that the worse the pain got, the worse my anxiety became and it was a vicious cycle. In the end. I would say my recovery was down to a successful combination of hypnosis and positive thinking. What are your thoughts on the TMS theory? And, do you think that other anxiety symptoms can be explained by this theory? I would be very interested to hear your views as I think you really understand health anxiety.



22-02-12, 15:24
Hi again David

I have had lots and lots of symptoms over the years and I know lots of them are caused by anxiety. My symptoms have included: muscle twitches, ear popping, muscles vibrating, shooting pains up my arms, indigestion, eczema, ibs, fast pounding heart beat, 'white coat' high blood pressure, missed heart beats, tingling and pins & needles in my feet and toes. At the time I didn't realise they were anxiety-related so they were all very worrying. Currently, I've got some symptoms that I can't connect to anxiety so they are worrying me a lot at the moment, but I won't go into those here.

What I wanted to ask you about was your view on back pain. Last year, I started suffering from lower back and buttock pain shooting down my legs (sciatica). The pain was intense and I could hardly walk. At its worst I would wake up and it would take me 20 minutes to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom (which is literally just a few steps along the corridor). Pain killers made absolutely no difference. It took me over 9 months to recover (I'd say I was about 95% better now). It was diagnosed as a slipped disc in the end, although no evidence of this was found on MRI scan (but the MRI was done when I was starting to feel better). I have read a lot around the subject of back pain and I came across a theory about TMS or Mind Body Syndrome. My understanding of the theory is that the subconscious creates physical symptoms (through decreased oxygen supply) to distract you/protect you from unresolved/suppressed feelings (anger, rage, anxiety etc). I'm not sure that I think it is about suppressed feelings but I know that the worse the pain got, the worse my anxiety became and it was a vicious cycle. In the end. I would say my recovery was down to a successful combination of hypnosis and positive thinking. What are your thoughts on the TMS theory? And, do you think that other anxiety symptoms can be explained by this theory? I would be very interested to hear your views as I think you really understand health anxiety.




That is a very interesting theory indeed. With regards to your back as you know back pain is common and sciatica (although I have neevr had it but a friend has) is almost crippling so I sympathis with your pains!

With regard to the TMS or Mind Body Syndrome I can well believe in this. It is a well known fact that lack of oxygen creates bodily symptoms that can manifest in different ways. I have found that my HA has always come on during or a stressful period or slowly bubbles away and 'slips under the net' before you catch it. My mother has HA but is 70 and diabetic. She has no access to internet or the intention to use it which in my view is a blessing. I am sure lots of anger and annoyance over her complaining of symptoms has contributed to my HA. It's noteworthy to add that we all have our particular HA fear. I have noticed also on this forum and reinforced the theory that HA is very resistant to assurance as I notice the same names constantly posting and seeking answers to the same questions. Having spoken to people on this forum I notice that more often this forum can do more harm than good as there are far more people in a hyper state than in recovery like myself and you. I am a month and a half into mirtazapine along with prozac and cbt and starting to feel normal again. Symptoms still appear (mainly skin based ie blemishes and spots etc) but the medication and cbt has helped me put things into perspective and I notice that as my mind improves (and my diet) so does my body and energy level.

I will post videos on my youtube channel frequently. If you do not have an account its free to set up a page or bookmark my channel as I will be very open and helpful. I am setting up a website which I will finisi today www.myhealthanxiety.com that will also help and provide free practical advice. My aim is that in my spare time I can offer as much free info as possible (within my non medical practitioner) status and help people who want to start the road to recovery. I will also offer a chat service on skype (video or IM) where people can talk to me when I am free to discuss issues or just need some reassurence and a friendly ear. I will ask for donations for this in order to keep the website going/time but apart from that any other ifo I can give is 100 percent free and genuine. Here is my video on skincare with HA and I have liked a video I have done on my other youtube channel on Mirtazapine and Prozac. They are also worth watching if contemplating meds.

Any thought on my ideas would be appreciated



---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------

Thanks, David. I'm also a long-term sufferer (16 years and I'm only 31!). It's only been in the last few years that I actually realised that my problem is anxiety about my health, rather than my health itself. However, the fact that I've realised this hasn't stopped me from worrying/obsessing over my health. I've recently been to see the doctors about my anxiety and I'm waiting for my referral to CBT to come through. How's the cbt going for you?

hiya! I have my new website up and running hopefully it will help HA sufferers feel better in themselves http://myhealthanxiety.com/

Hope it helps

22-02-12, 15:44
Hi Lisa did I reply to your question? I am sure I did but didnt see it! Private message me if you need or on here i will pick it up today![/QUOTE]

Hi Robocop you did reply and I'm going to sign up to your youtube channel now. Thanks for the kind words and advice :)

22-02-12, 15:45
Hi Lisa did I reply to your question? I am sure I did but didnt see it! Private message me if you need or on here i will pick it up today!

Hi Robocop you did reply and I'm going to sign up to your youtube channel now. Thanks for the kind words and advice :)[/QUOTE]

Thanks lisa! I set up a website too on www.myhealthanxiety.com to give some tips. Took me a while but i got there!:yahoo:

22-02-12, 21:17
I've had a look at your website and your videos. Well done on setting these up. I think it's great that you are proactively doing stuff to help others so they can learn from your experiences.

I think that anyone who has HA should seek help as soon as possible and if at least one person seeks help because of your website you should feel like you've done a good job.

23-02-12, 07:19
I've had a look at your website and your videos. Well done on setting these up. I think it's great that you are proactively doing stuff to help others so they can learn from your experiences.

I think that anyone who has HA should seek help as soon as possible and if at least one person seeks help because of your website you should feel like you've done a good job.

thank you!
Hopefully I can help a few people! Ive done a new video on anti googling! on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DCjtvi0VyY as us HA peeps know its bad but cannot help it!!

23-02-12, 15:11
Hi Robocop,

I signed up for your you tube videos and i cant wait for the next one its helping me realise that all the strange symptoms are a sign of HA.

Keep up the good work :)

23-02-12, 16:45
Thanks Lisa! I will do another video shortly about common signs of HA! Il get the camera out! Hopefully be up by 7/8pm!

23-02-12, 21:44
I've got a weird chest pain under my left breast in the rib cage and back pain is that a sign of anxiety

23-02-12, 21:48
For sure. Chest muscles are connected to the back so a chest pain can often come to the back! I had it many times. Its frightening I know but normal! Try some deep breaths. If you need any help private message me il be online another 15 mins or so!x

23-02-12, 22:01
I'm not sure how to private message. Why would I all of a sudden get the chest and back pains I wasn't even doing anything or thinking of anything god I'm so scared feel like calling an ambulance

23-02-12, 22:04
I'm not sure how to private message. Why would I all of a sudden get the chest and back pains I wasn't even doing anything or thinking of anything god I'm so scared feel like calling an ambulance

You dont need to be thinking oif anything to get chest pains. Just like heart palps they come out of the blue. No need to call an ambumlance. Breathe into a paper bag get some carbon dioxide and listen to some music you like and close your eyes take some deep breaths. I am on skype davidharvey192 if you need or email me direct on thekergan@hotmail.com


23-02-12, 22:07
Thank you I will go do that x x

23-02-12, 22:08
trust me I nearly called an ambulance many a time! How old are you Lisa if I can ask?xx

24-02-12, 02:35
robocop, just to add my two pennies - huge congrats in trying to help people in this way, I think you`ll do an awful lot of good with your efforts.



Thanks Paul!

I have added a new video about typical symptoms on www.myhealthanxiety.com which is my free website. Any questions I am always here to answer anything I can do to help! :roflmao:

24-02-12, 16:32
Hi guys hope you are all doing ok today?

25-02-12, 17:27
Hi guys I did a little video with some exercise tips for us HA sufferers. It can feel like the last thing in the world but it makes you feel a lot better! Hope this helps

28-02-12, 10:41
Hi guys just to let you know I have put some cbt modules on my website/blog www.myhealthanxiety.com hopefully they might be useful. See the resurces section for the info!