View Full Version : Please not again

15-02-12, 21:27
If you check this forum you will find I've slowly upped my dose so now I'm on the 40mg... Each time after about 6 weeks of upped dose I hit a hump and have had to have the dose upped. This time dr tells me I'm on highest amount and guess what 6 weeks into upped dose I'm feeling crap, no energy, snappy, tearful wanting to sleep (I can't I have a 2 year old) been scared to be left with my son and the general wanting to cry. My head feels messy is the best way to describe it like a thick fog is in there. But now what? What happens now do I contact dr, will they take this off me and how do I come off this and start another med... Why why why is this happening to me!? I just want to get better again I'm scared of what happens next?

15-02-12, 21:43
Hi Mardy. I'm so sorry the mirt keeps pooping out on you like that. It must be very frustrating :hugs: Interestingly it does have a reputation of "quick poop-out" for a lot of people. I know it's of no comfort, but you unfortunately you seem to be one of those.

Has it stopped working completely - or is still working for sleep?

Maybe your doctor could suggest something else, or maybe an add on med would work.

Take care.
Belle xx

15-02-12, 21:58
I feel it does help for the anxiety side of thing but not my depression after the 6 weeks. which a sucks big time. I didn't know it was known for popping out on people that's interesting to know I know I'm starting to feel the same way as I h e in the past after the 6 weeks timescale. I'm scared of a anti-ds cause I had bad side effects from cit. I'm worrying about how (if I need to) I'm going to come
Off these and go onto another med? Can they give me other stuff as well as this? Is this a hump that if I ride it out will go away. How long do I wait before speaking to the dr? I'm absolutely petrified of loosing my mind :( xxx

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

Oh and yes I still sleep we x

15-02-12, 22:19
Well yes they can give you something to augment the mirtazapine. It might be another ssri or a mood stabiliser. I am on lithium but have also been on dothiepin with the mirt and duloxetine. Hopefully you'll settle and it won't come to that. It might help you to make a GPs appointment in the meantime. I know how long you might have to wait for an appointment unless it is an emergency one. I hope that you feel better soon. EJ.

16-02-12, 00:08
I have to say I feel slightly better then I did when posting but still not im not right, Mirt was really working well and I noticed a change pretty quick after taking it. I def think thats helping with my anx but not the depression anymore :( I might give it afew days and see how im feeling?! my dr is pretty good and I can normally at least get to chat to a dr on the phone if I cant get an appointment.

21-02-12, 11:39
hi I was wondering how you are doing? You answered my questions when I was starting mirtazipine before christmas. I have been doing fine but like you seem to have had a relapse. Its come on really quickly which has shocked me as I have never relapse whilst on meds only when off. Let me know how you are doing. I saw gp today but not my normal one and he just told me to up my fluoexetine which i take in the morning. He said more than 15mg of mirt will make me too sleepy to deal with an interview I have coming up! not sure about that advice.

27-02-12, 01:59
Sorry just seen this reply. I'm still stale mate with mirt. Going to call dr in the morning
But not quite sure what to do for the best! I'm scared tbh as to what they will do. I have just posted about this. I'm sorry u felt the same as I am my replapse came form nowhere either feels like one day they were working the one day they didn't work as well although I def think they help just not as they were! Hugs hun keep fighting xxx

---------- Post added at 01:59 ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 ----------

Oh and for the record I didn't feeling sleepy on my increased dose xxz