View Full Version : is this just anxiety

15-02-12, 22:53
hi can any tell me if this just anxiety as i have had a cough off and on since xmas i do smoke and because i felt poorly yesterday feeling really cold head ache and started to cough more and it makes me heave i went to see gp tonite because i thought i had a viral infection he checked me over and said my chest is clear and oxegen level is normal and that i will have to have a lung sprometer test done in 2wks because i smoke and because i feeli cant breathe properly sometimes which gp told me anxiety can make u feel like that.i was suposed to of had done last sept but they didnt have a nurse to do it and now because my dad died of lung cancer and a few of my friends have copd ive started to feel as if i cant breathe properly and thinking wat id i have the same as my dad and i did a stupid thing GOOGLED lung deceasess and wat if my lungs just pack up so is it just my anxiety that is making me feel like this

15-02-12, 23:29
are you like it all the time or do you just have spells of it... if it goes away its more likely anxiety. x

16-02-12, 00:15
hi i just have bouts of it

16-02-12, 01:30
Great reason to give up smoking!!

16-02-12, 15:10
try not to google it makes things so much worse.
I wont preach about giving up because i know its hard but it would make such a differance to your health if you couldxxxx
christmas wasnt long ago some coughs can linger ages so try not to stress, good idea getting the test done as itll put your mind at ease but im sure everything is finex