View Full Version : Anxiety attack again

16-02-12, 01:34
I've had another bad anxiety attack tonight I had some IBS symptoms return, went in a shower and had more rumbles, came out and never felt clean so went back in after I had another small IBS issue. Now I'm worried as I sprayed myself twice and went back in the shower for 5 mins so worried I'll damage my skin or die from using too much deodorant. I had a shower earlier in the day so that means going back in for 5 mins made it three times I'd been in. I keep freaking out I'm not clean as there is stains there after showers sometimes.

My main anxiety attacks right now are chemical things I freak if any go near me or imagine if I drop something some will get in me. I have OCD and I'm freaking out over being clean my biggest is after I pee or have a bowel issue. If I have been to work I automatically need a shower now as I don't feel perfectly clean.

I'm not getting panic attacks more anxiety attacks over odd things. I need to shower for work tomorrow morning so freaking out about going back in so soon and I'm worried about more IBS attacks.

Anybody else suffering like this and give me any advice? :weep:

16-02-12, 02:31
, I am really sorry you are having a ruff time with this problem... I suffer panic attacks although they have reduced considerably since being on medication.. My daughter also suffers from anxiety issues, and I have a real time of it trying to make her rationalise things.
How about thinking of years ago, when people couldnt wash, and they lived in squalor - the smell was probably pretty awful, their clothes were not washed, and things were pretty bad. Now look at you, you live in a modern world, clean, fresh and everything is smelling lovely - try to rationalise with yourself, how much cleaner you are, than people then, and your home, how lovely it is to be able to live nicely.. than live in the dark, dirty, smelly victorian era. Think of the sun in the morning of a new day, how it brings freshness, and beauty to everything we see and touch, the new morning dew, which forgets yesterday, and works its magic on our plants and green pastures... well each morning you see that sun, you hear the birds sing, you shower/bath, ready clean and fresh, just like you were when you were little, raring to go, like a new pin - During your day, think of nice things about what makes your day special, and how things about you and your home, make you feel glad about life, its not about being cleaning all day, its about living and enjoying how the new day presents itself, you are clean - and try to make that thought last with you all day, until you bath/shower in the evening.... listen to a relaxing cd or some music.. so you can unwind, and be ready to sleep,knowing that the next day will also bring such beauty, called life..

best wishes, Lynda .... anxiety does get better, believe in yourself..