View Full Version : Terrible night....

16-02-12, 05:56
Sorry just wanted to moan. Been awake since 2 and I have a really busy day ahead.

I have just been lying here with weird feelings in my chest, dizziness and that jolting awake feeling like I am falling/dying every time I am about to fall asleep.

So so,tired and now it is time to get up, dammit! :weep:

16-02-12, 06:32
Hi have you considered herbal treatments kava and valerian are very good natural anxiety treatments to help you relax and sleep better, they worked for me

16-02-12, 06:50
Hi have you considered herbal treatments kava and valerian are very good natural anxiety treatments to help you relax and sleep better, they worked for me

Thanks I will see if I can get hold of some Valerian today.

Edit - feeling really woozy now, giddy, like I am going to pass out with some visual abnormalities - this is anxiety and exhaustion right?

16-02-12, 14:01
get it sorted asap im on week three,,and today i feel like hell,,have no energy what so ever ,,
what i do know is mines normally short live longest ive had is a week with little sleep,but as times going on im finding it harder and more stressful to get off to sleep each night or should i say mornings,,so if i was you id nip it in the bud,,

16-02-12, 16:17
Does anyone know if you can take Valerian root with Citalopram/trazadone?

17-02-12, 09:54
I am just gettign so confused now. Anothr awful night. Went to bed at 10.00 and had a sleeping tablet as I could not bear the thought of anotehr night without sleep.

Panicy and sleepless, with funny chest pains and feelings until 2.30am then dozed briefly until 4.00am, still with anxiety and discomfort, then slept solidly until 7.00am.

Don;t want to speak to soon, but actually feel reasonably OK so far today - none of it makes any damn sense. :wacko:

17-02-12, 10:09
I spent two days like that the other day. Apart form I seemed to be awake the while night and didn't sleep for 2 days. I had a better nights sleep last night and don't feel as done in.... maybe try some meditation or music to fall a sleep to?

17-02-12, 10:14
I spent two days like that the other day. Apart form I seemed to be awake the while night and didn't sleep for 2 days. I had a better nights sleep last night and don't feel as done in.... maybe try some meditation or music to fall a sleep to?

Last night I tried a zopiclone, two hypnosis tapes, music and an entire talking book. :scared15:

17-02-12, 10:31
It sounds as if you are getting really stressed about going to bed in case you get stressed during the night. You are going round in a viscious circle. Don't try to make sense of it as it something that there is no answer to.
Just accept that you are not sleeping well at the moment. It happens to everyone. The anxiety is stopping your brain from doing overtime and is tensing your muscles which in turn is causing the pains and waking you up.
If you wake up during the night and you find it impossible to relax try reading or listening to gentle relaxing music. Nothing with too much oomph that will activate your brain, just something peaceful. Try scenting your room with a lavender pillow or or small bowl of dried lavender. I have found eating a sweet biscuit helps for me too. Have you tried doing relaxation techniques in the evening to calm your muscles leading up to bedtime.
If you can at least rest while you are awake rather than being in an anxious state half the night then, hopefully, you will feel better in the mornings.
Oh, and if you go to bed at 10 expecting to wake up at 2 or 3 then you will because you've already programmed that sub concious alarm clock in your brain to do it.
Good luck and I hope you get a good nights sleep soon.

17-02-12, 21:10
I think I sleep slightly better after a glass of milk and a banana, have a listen to this as well it's geared towards putting you to sleep.


17-02-12, 21:18
I've listened to several podcasts from http://www.innerhealthstudio.com/index.html and they do seem to be helpful. They have a could that are specifically geared towards falling asleep when you have anxiety or too many racing thoughts.