View Full Version : Mood seems to have switched

16-02-12, 10:34
It seems like the last 48hrs my mood has gone from OK with some anxiety to almost hopeless and depressed. I've spent most of the morning crying feeling like theres nothing left. It's been quite stressful the last day or so as I've had some major worries about my relationship, I mainly think my girlfriend will end it for some reason and I've hardly slept the last couple of days and this got me down too.

I'm gonna go back to the GP next week but I'm not sure what she will do, maybe switch the Sertraline I don't know.

16-02-12, 17:46
Hi Jayuk,
I'm sorry you are feeling like this... I've had days where my mood just switched from being able to cope to total depression... it's hard to explain and I'm sorry I can't tell you any more than that... but at some point you'll go back to coping and recovering...

By all means talk to your doctor, you may need to change your meds or you might just be a bit more stressed and it's getting you down. Hope you feel better soon

16-02-12, 22:31
I'm sorry you are feeling so bad.If this low mood continues please go and speak to your doctor.
It is important you don't let things get too bad as depression is much more difficult to treat the longer you leave it.
It may be you need to change meds or alter your dose,so don't leave it too long to get expert help.
Take care

Loreen x

17-02-12, 09:59
Thanks for the support guys. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow I will let you know how it goes.