View Full Version : Scared of everything?

16-02-12, 12:12
Hi everyone,

I am having a realy bad few days were I feel trapped in my head and very negative/anxious.

Just wondered does anyone ever feel scared of absolutely everything. At the minute i feel scared to do anything. I have this constant knot in my stomach and lump in my throat. Can't seem to shake it at the moment.

Just wondered if anyone else feels like this and can offer any advise.


16-02-12, 12:39
Ya I go into shut down mode n just go online or watch tv.
It sucks when you're afraid of almost everything :(
It does pass though n taking baby steps helps

16-02-12, 12:52
Thanks for the reply, I just worry sometimes that I am never going to get better and I want to! I used to live life and I want to be there again.

It helps when people say it gets better.

At the moment I just feel like I know there is light at the en of the tunnel I am just waiting to get there!

16-02-12, 13:20
yeah i have the odd week like this where i,ll hide under the duvet,,i go to the point where i hate even moving off the bed this lasts for a short while i must either get bored with it or over it whatever and then i have to spend the next two weeks getting the house back to how i like it lol

16-02-12, 13:47
I've had days (& weeks) where I've felt exactly the same. I call it fear of fear. Scared to answer the phone, to go out, to drive, to open mail, to answer the door, to take my meds etc, etc. It's awful to feel like that, the physical symptoms are quite frightening and your mind is constantly checking itself and askin you questions or telling you things you know are irrational.

Are you on any meds, seen your GP? If not, I would advise you to have a chat with them. It can overtake you if you don't seek help, you try and carry on as 'normal' embarrassed to talk to friends/family about it. I ended up having a breakdown and shut myself away from the world completley as I couldnt't handle the anxiety. Thankfully I'm on the mend now...still a long way to go though.

I feel for you and hope you get over this bad time. Sending a hug to help you on your way :hugs:x

16-02-12, 14:20
It is a horrible feeling! It just feels like phases I go through.

I havnt been to my go since last year! I have suffered with phases of anxiety for about 10 years but never taken any meds! I don't want to.

I have had CBT last year. I found it very effective I just think I am having abit of a relapse. Hopefully it will pass in afew days. I have been worrying a lot the past few weeks and I think that has just brought on this bought!