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16-02-12, 13:19
can any1 offer any advice. Been ok with anxiety for bout 6 weeks now with minimal symptoms. Last night however woke up at 3am feeling my left side was weak and tingling in places like fingers and foot. straight away panik set in thinking i must have MS. Went to docs other week asking to be refered to specialist in MS and doc said they would laugh the referal back as i dont have the symptoms all the time and they do seem worse the more i think of them. Can any1 relate to me and do you think it is JUST anxiety????

16-02-12, 13:58
Hi Shelly

Tinging and weekness is defo an anxiety symptom, and I have also had the same fears and my doc said I didnt have the symptoms when I went, and that I need to trust them, I dont think you have MS, just sounds like health anxiety to me, its horrible isnt it, but try not to google things, that has helped me slight;y.

16-02-12, 14:02
I don't think it was very kind of you doctor to say that Shelley :mad:

With anxiety comes fear and the more afraid we are the worse our symptoms 'become' if you get what I mean. I've been there...thought I had everything including MS, ME, fibromyalga, thyorid, heart problems etc.
But no, it's just this bl**dy anxiety :wacko: I think I've come to terms with it now, it still worries me at times, get the weakness & pins & needles alot still. So yes, I can relate to you and I'm sure it's just your anxiety. Try to relax, deep breaths and do something to try take you mind off the physical sensations you are dwelling on. Easier said than done, I know :unsure: but good luck x

16-02-12, 16:37
Could you have slept awkwardly? Parts of you might have gone a bit numb from lack of blood circulations due to laying in a daft position, i woke this morning about half 6 ( hate that, alarm goes off at 7am so a wasted 30mins precious sleep hehe) with a completly numb hand, obviously i had been leaning on it, took a while for it to come back to life.

Also sleep paralysis can be behind a lot of crap like this, you wake before your body does which can be quite frightening.