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View Full Version : No longer brain tumour now it's breast cancer!

16-02-12, 15:15

I don't know what it going on at the moment but I'm bouncing from one illness to another so I'm sorry but I had to post again.

This is a strange one a few weeks ago I noticed on one side of my right breast I had four tiny little pink pimples, that were slightly raised and the weird thing is if you were to draw a square and put a pimple on each corner that is the pattern they made.

Now for some reason I didn't worry at the time (probably because I was convinced I had ovarian and cervical cancer at that point in time!), but last night whilst I was bathing and putting on moisturiser I noticed they were still there, they are not as noticeable and look as if they are going but it's almost like there's four little scars where they were.

So because I've moved on from my earlier brain tumour scare I'm now panicking about breast cancer.

I can't feel any lumps, the breast is a bit tender underneath but I'm due a period and I always get that under my breast at this time so that's nothing new.

I'm just puzzled because of the fact they almost form a perfect square and I'm thinking this is not right.

Thing is now I've left it weeks and so I feel like I've ignored it and they do seem to be going anyway so I'm not sure if would be worth going to GP.

Any advice?

Oh to add the seam from my bra does run down this area but I haven't got them on the other side so don't thnk it's that. :wacko:


16-02-12, 15:34
it doesnt sound like any of the signs they tell you to look for with breast changes but put your mind at rest and visit your gp,i went last week with a skin tag thing on my boob which gp wasnt in the slightest bit concerned about.
also weeks isnt long to have waited,alot of people wait months/years to report things i think that is more the problem.
with my nans illness she waited months and months and was never really honest with her gp about things ,we're not like that are we the opposite infact going with every far* so take comfort in thatx and get it checked so you can relax xxx

16-02-12, 16:07
I dunno. I have to disagree with Purple on this one.

We cannot run to the Dr for everything. We have to think about what is
prudent to worry about (i.e. what would a normal person worry about) since we are apt to jump to the worst always. Going to the Dr is just a form of reassurance seeking. And it usually doesn't work, because they aren't going to be able to ever give 100% certainty (which is what we crave)

If the dots are fading, I would just leave them and wait to see. I have dots all over me. It can be just random that they form a square. Or, it could be the way you slept or something you don't even remember.

In any case, I don't think it is something most people would worry about at this point.

And that isn't to say we shouldn't go to the Dr or hide things when the are real symptoms that warrent that. But for the normal person, this wouldn't qualify.

16-02-12, 21:19
Thanks for the replies I think I a going to try and leave it for a while.

I'm going through a really bad HA phase at the moment and recently underwent a scan and exam because I was convinced I had cervical cancer. Once my dr had convinced me I didn't have that, I soon switched to Ovarian, hence the scan.

Needless to say that was ok, the other day I was worrying about a brain tumour because I could smell burning (which was nothing more than a hot lightbulb) and now it's this.

I think I have to try and stop this as I can feel that I am going to be in and out the doctors every five minutes the way I am at the moment.

I don't know why it's sooo bad and why I'm switching from one thing to another constantly, I at least normally focus on one illness for a while.:shrug:

But I appreciate the replies, it's always great to get other peoples perspectives on things, especially people who go through the same thing.

I'll keep an eye on it and if it starts to get worse or more appear then I'll go get it checked.

thanks :hugs: