View Full Version : please help me :(

16-02-12, 17:17
Hello this is the first time iv posted.
Im 18. iv had a lot of family and health problems. I seemed to come out of the whole thing with depression, manily around my permanent health condition. I always worried how people viewed me, and if the condition will worsen.I recieved counselling and medication and now feel i am better. But to cut a long story short, my medical condition got better but then a few months ago i have fell very ill again. from lots of help from my doctor i feel i am on the mend. A few weeks ago i started to notice i was panicing when i went into town. A took a bus with my boyfriend to a town about an hour away, suffered from really bad travel sickness and the panic feelings carried on from that. In the end we had to get the bus home (after me having anouther panic attack from fear of getting back on a bus) and i finally collasped into my bed. Ever since that day i have really struggled going into town, even the ones close by. Then it started at college and i can no longer make it. I have missed almost 3 weeks and am really behind. i believe these panic attacks where from fear of being ill in public and not being able to get home.
However a few nights ago i suffered a huge panic attack which lasted all night and day, resulting in me ending up hospital and having valium and diazepam to calm me down and eventually rest that night. My heart was beating so fast, i was shaking, i felt trapped wherever i went, i was incredibly emotional and no matter what i did i could not calm myself down no matter how hard i tried. it was a terrifying experience which i NEVER want again. I was convinced i was going crazy and had no good reason for the cause.
The next day i was still on diazepam but felt better. A few days on im still quite stressed and panicy but have calmed down and managed to make it out to town with my family, to my brothers house and my grandmas. I feel im doing really well.
Im in a relationship with an incredibly supportive, loving boyfriend. weve been together for a year and a half. (which is very long for me!) im completely inlove with him. Hes my best friend. But when he came over a few days after the panic attack i felt so sick. I didnt want him to touch me, sit near me or even be in my house. i was so relieved when he was gone. This is a boy i usually spend 24/7 with. I love being with him, im usually so relaxed and he can get me through anything. But now i cant bring myself to see him. I miss him so much, its horrible. I feel like im never going to stop feeling this trapped and panicked. Im not sure wether to push myself and see him again, take it in small steps to build up to spending long amounts of time together or just stop seeing him altogether? which is the last thing i want to do.. I feel like iv lost myself. This is just horrible. Im sorry for the long post & hope it all makes sense. Please say if you dont understand and il explain a little better. any advice would really help. thank you!

Little elfin
16-02-12, 17:23
I know how you feel, it feels so much easier to hide away but I think you should invite him over, gradually it will feel normal again. The more you avoid, the worse you feel.
Big hugs to you honey

16-02-12, 18:28
in the height of anxiety, we often feel no emotion or love for the ones closest to us... there are lots of threads on this forum about it....
dont make any rash decisions because of your anxiety... you say hes supportive and your in love with him, so theres your answer! dont push him away...
As for anx and panic, its your fears that keep it coming... the more you fear you will panic in a situation the more you will panic in that situation.... you cant stop an attack coming on (feeling of heart going faster, dizzyness) but you can choose not to PANIC.... when you feel an attack, dont start the what if i pass out, what if i lose control, what if what if what if !!! its the what ifs that start adrenaline which leads to panicking! when you feel an attack coming, just say yeah whatever, im not scared of you , do what you want, but im ignoring you... and it WILL die off, without the fuel (adrenaline) you cannot panic.

17-02-12, 18:17
I know how you feel, it feels so much easier to hide away but I think you should invite him over, gradually it will feel normal again. The more you avoid, the worse you feel.
Big hugs to you honey

Thank you for replying! did you feel the same sick feeling at the thought of being around them? i invited him out but had to cancel straight away because i got myself in a state :( i just want to be back to normal :'(

17-02-12, 18:36
Hi JoC93
I know excatly how you feel, i was with my girlfriend for 3 and a half years then boom i started having panic attacks and anxiety attacks, i got so ill that i would just lye in bed all day thinking i was dying and having loads of physical symptons making me ill.
I dont think you should push your boyfriend away he sounds like a star and your going to need him to help you get better, me and my girlfriend split up only to help relieve the pressure on me (as i couldnt go into town or even out of my room sometimes) i still see her loads and am slowly getting back into doing things with her again and we have talked about getting back together and soon will be as soon as i feel i am ready (thats how supportive and patient she has been with me). she has been really supportive and i would have been lost without her, i think thats the same for you and your boyfriend, talk to him, he sounds like he will understand, if you want to know anymore about my story please PM me and i might be able to help!
all the best to you, hope you feel better soon.

17-02-12, 19:22
no please dont push your boyfriend away...
having someone so supportive is essential in getting better....the more you talk,the easier it will be to overcome this....its very hard when youre in such a horrible state,but once you become calmer it will be easier....take things slowly
I couldnt bear my husband to touch me and i was very jumpy and scared of absolutely everything.....I was shouting at him and the kids one minute,then crying the next...I thought i was going insane
it was awful,I felt so guilty and it was weeks before I began to feel any calm.....but he understands a bit better now,and Im feeling more positive xx
it helps to confide in a close friend too x