View Full Version : Has anyone felt like this before?

20-06-06, 12:47
iv just discoverd this site, its really reasuring to see that im not alone with dealing with panic attacks. but was wonderin if anyone else has felt like this, or any similair symptoms...just before christmas i was really quite ill wiv a gastric flu, i think thats what the doctor called it. it really got me down as i cudnt go out and about like usal wiv out worring.now as time has gone on, iv not felt that bad (being ill) i get the odd tummy upsets etc but i think the problem now is that because i have had alot of time to myself i have gradually made myself anxious . wen ever im about 2 go out i feel really, really panicky. i feel light headed, dizzy, sick, my hands go really cold, and then ill feel very hot. but the worst fear is that, without soundin silly is, i wont make it 2 a toliet in time, due to being ill before and always sat on the loo! i no deep down, that nothin ever bad has ever happend, as i have made it! but now just getin the bus or walkin 2 the shops seems like a huge deal! wen it wasnt before! i feel very nervous before work as my boyfriends sister takes me, she is lovley and understandin an no i shouldnt be embarrased in front of her, but i just hate the way i get myself into a panic, wen 8 times out of 10, i am actually ok. its really strange bcoz iv never ever felt like this b4! im finding it really quite draining, battling with these emotions. i was wondering if any one could give me sum advice on just calming myself down, or any remidies!? anything! or anyone one who has had a similair experience!? its bin goin on 2 long now! and i wanna go bk 2 my usal confident self :( thankyou.x

sorry as im new to this site, i dont know if iv posted this in the right bord, sorry!

20-06-06, 13:19
Hi first of all welcome to the forum! It sounds like your anxiety has built around the symptoms of a natural illness you had last year. That can happen, and now you are just left with anxiety. I know exactly how you feel, when I'm home I'm OK when its time to go out I can start to feel a little anxious, not all the time as I'm getting better, but on a not so good day I get nervous and afraid that I'll need the toilet. It is a normal symptom of anxiety, if you have read any books or any sites about anxiety symptoms you'll see the symptoms you have are listed there. i would go and speka to yur Gp and try talking it through. There are some natural remedies that can help. Rescue remedy by bachs, Kalms, I listen to relaxation CDs and try and do at least 30 mins a day. Try not to let the symptoms panic you as this makes it worse and it becomes a vicious circle. There are lots of people who feel the same.

Take care

'This too will pass'

22-06-06, 19:11
I have experienced the same symptoms as you. I had gone to a specialist for internal gut problems - he said I was fine. I finally did my own research and found that I had what is called CANDIDA. Check it out for yourself on the web. See if the symptoms sound familar. After two nights of treatment on Caprilic Acid - from the health food store - my panic attacks stopped. It took about two years of treatment - diet, health food supplements, before I felt like a human again. If you are interested in what exactly I did, please post another message and I will get back with you.

23-06-06, 09:53
Hello joey!
thankyou 4 your reply, its very interesting what u said about that 'candida' i can tick of at least 5 of those symptoms! im off to the doctors 2day, and will inquire about it there. but im interested with what you did stop all the panicking, as its very fustrating! thankyou!

23-06-06, 14:28
I had a BIG PROBLEM trying to find a doctor who recognizes CANDIDA as being a problem for depression and panic attacks. So you might too. I had to start treatment on my own following what the web sites suggested. It starts with going to the doctor and asking for a ANTI-FUNGAL DRUG. write me at wiillowtree989@yahoo.com

23-06-06, 22:04

What you are describing is indeed a classic progression to panic from anxiety.

Read the First steps article and take steps to do some self CBT or get a couple of CBT sessions.

Try not to allow yourself to actively avoid great chunks of things but go as far as you can comfortably with each outing and then a few steps more ..

Rescue remedy can help - look under natural remedies for more info.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

24-06-06, 11:46
Thankyou for the advice!
i went to the doctors yesterday and really came to a realisation that i needed some help to stop these panic attacks getting worse, so they have decided to send me to someone who can help sort thm out :) i think that i was blaming my panic attacks/anxiety on my illness b4 and didnt want to admit i was scared! thanx again guys!

25-06-06, 00:46
Hi Jessie, I am glad to hear you are going to get the help you want hun!
Hope it goes really well for you.

Take care

