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View Full Version : New efexor xl.....please tell me what you think.

16-02-12, 20:26
hi all,i stopped my sertraline over two weeks ago,and doc gave me 37.5g tabs of efexor to take.
I took then for a couple of days,then doc told to go up to the 75g of efexor xl. - wow! - oabout three hours after i took it,i couldnt stop laughing at my wife and her friend,who were just talking,i felt really really high!,and really rally happy!! - then after an hour or so,i started to come down,then it was headache,and dry mouth,yawning,and feeling a bit sick abnd dizzy,alittle panicky,but mothing too major.then about 4 hours after that,i had my laughing fit again! - exept this was in the super market! - i could barely speak to any one,they all must av thought i was on crack or something!! - and so the cylcle goes. - all mixed in with me being very very active,in speech,and movememts.
Do you rekon this is knid of normal,to feel such a high,then ill,then high,then ill etc...just wanted a few of your thoughtsthanks,mike.

16-02-12, 20:58
Hi mike,i have just started 75mg effexor 2x37.5 a day, and i have been fine, i was on citalopram but dr changed them to effexor.

I think they are helping me, how long has this lasted? i would consult your gp if you are worried xx

16-02-12, 21:14
this ismy third day on them,and my first day on 75g.i read the side effects of these are serious if yoy feel euphoric and are hyper active,i got these,but will they calm down the longer i take them,or are they actually a sign that i dont get on with them? tyhanks.

16-02-12, 21:20
Hi Mike i would ring tour gp or pharmacy for advice, it might pass, but you could be having a reaction to them. best to be safe tho and get advice xx

19-02-12, 15:29
how s it going mike?? x

19-02-12, 20:37
I rang my doc up the day after,and told him. - he said for me to take another one the following day,and see how i get on. - i did it,and i didnt get any high or anything! - i felt reall good for the next couple of days,but now it seems to not be doing much,maybe the dose needs to be increased? - this has been the only med,where i have felt a proper good feeling.

19-02-12, 20:53
Mike i am the same i think i need an increase to, hang on in there it will get better for all of us xx

19-02-12, 21:24
I rang my doc up the day after,and told him. - he said for me to take another one the following day,and see how i get on. - i did it,and i didnt get any high or anything! - i felt reall good for the next couple of days,but now it seems to not be doing much,maybe the dose needs to be increased? - this has been the only med,where i have felt a proper good feeling.


It will be a few weeks before u feel any real benefit and then it
could be months before u feel the full effect of a med. Give it time.