View Full Version : Severe pain in back right side terrified its my heart or gallbladder

16-02-12, 21:40
Hi there I am terrified there is something seriously wrong with my heart tonight as soon as I lie down I get this spasm in my chest that goes through to my back and it is worse when I am lying down. I felt shaky today but much better after I had something to eat. I am really anxious tonight I also have gallbladder problems at times and I did not help myself I had scampi and chips with mayonnaise 2 nights in a row at a restaurant. Has anyone had gallbladder problems and right sided chest pain at the back I have taken gaviscon and paracetemol and it has been away for about half an hour but I am worried about the heart if it was a heart attack would it go on this long about an hour without me passing out or something? And would I be able to sit and write this? Trying to do CBT here.

sherylee xx
16-02-12, 21:46
if it was a heart attack it wouldnt get better after takin gaviscon hun it may be your gallbladder or good ol HA :/ if the pain is so severe hun ring nhs direct for peace of mind 08454647 xx

16-02-12, 21:52
I had gallstones and they didn't present like that. I had horrible pain all through my abdomen, and no medicine helped at all. It also sounds like your pain is not in the same part of the body that mine was in, as mine was further down around my stomach and abdomen, not up in the chest. The fact that the medicine helped you makes me think that it may be heartburn or acid reflux especially given the type of food you ate--that would really cause my acid reflux to flare up!

16-02-12, 21:52
Hi i suffer from gall bladder pain so know how you feel mines like someones twisting my chest goin round to my back ive had it the last few days ive been anxious at times thinkin it could b something else but ive had it enough times so i know what it is and keep calm im just watching what i eat and drink im bloated to with it its very painful you no what it is so try not to worry have you seen your gp mine gave me stomach tablets for the pain x

macc noodle
16-02-12, 21:55
Hi there

Now this suggestion may work or not.................... have you tried running up and down stairs a few times ???? My therapist told me to do that when I was fearful that I was having a heart attack :ohmy: I was really scared to do it to begin with but it works every time!!!! And also distracts me from the physical symptoms.

Make an appt at docs to get yourself checked out if you have had gall bladder problems before.

You will be fine I am sure- I get loads of back ache and pains when I am anxious :ohmy:


Macc Noodle.


16-02-12, 22:34
sounds like mine hun,,is it right under your right rib at the top,,it can feel like somethings twisting inside,,its blooming painful, and can make you slightly feverish,, i was rushed to the hospital late last year with this ,,mine was gallstones, i find laying on that side helps for some reason..mines always bad at night and yes chips,,scampi and mayo will do that to you,,full of fat,,i know its hard isnt it to lay off all the food you love

16-02-12, 22:35
I have had gallstones for over 20 years little ones that don't bother me as long as I don't eat pastry but many years ago I had a couple of attacks and two common symptoms are that you get pain in your right shoulder blade sort of under the edge and if you lay down then hold your breath and press your fingers under your right ribs ( gently!) then breathe out if its your gallbladder it will be extremely painful as you breathe out. This is the test Drs do if they think its your gallbladder. Also laying down will feel like a huge pulling sensstion under your right rib as well.

17-02-12, 12:47
Hi Gordie,

I have gallstone myself, and had pain throughout the abdomen.
Apart from the UT and the CT scans, they check for something called positive Murphy. They generally place the fingers below the ribcage (right and left) and press inside and ask you to breath. IF there is a pain in breathing out ( as the finger presses against the GB), on the right side and "no" pain in breathing out on the left side, thats positive.

I think, a food rich in fat ( i had extra large chips with lots of mayo and baked beans etc etc before my attacks) triggers the gall bladder problem.