View Full Version : Waking up and Waiting

17-02-12, 07:59
Good Morning all!

Well again this morning I woke up and just waited, waited for the anxiety and the physical symptoms to arrive, waiting makes me worse, makes the symptoms appear, I start to feel sicly, my head buzzes, I feel faint etc etc

I pop outside for a cig and wonder what if I was to collapse in the garden, how long will it be before someone finds me, just the most random thoughts running through my head and always the worst ones!!

Does anyone else feel this way? The way I feel in a morning usually sets my mood for the day, so I am expecting a rubbish day now :ohmy:

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any responses I may get.

Love H x

17-02-12, 08:15
Hi there - yes I feel exactly the same - waiting for the anxiety to set in - damned horrible - this morning was bad - up early made a cup of tea - let dog out, etc,. Feeling very anxious this am - day 11 of prozac - everything out of proportion. Is this Hayley, if so, how's it been going because you had a bad time before xmas - bless you - let me know - Laura x

17-02-12, 08:32
Hi Laura, yes its Hayley. I am much better than I was before xmas but its like i'm on a rollercoaster up and down all day long!! Its driving me crazy to be honest I thought I may have reached a stable level and stayed there but unfortunately every day seems to be different!

The mornings differ so much, yesterday I was great today I feel like I am just functioning and considering going back to bed.

Hows the prozac treating you? Are you feeling any benefit from it? I hope we get there and soon, its a horrible thing to deal with, the anxiety makes me feel down, feeling down causes anxiety its a vicious circle and although I have been on my meds for 9 weeks now I still dont feel back to my usual self and everything feels like an effort.

Love Hayley xx

17-02-12, 08:40
Hi Hayley - it is early days for both of us - the prozac is early days for me and feel rubbish at the moment - day 11 I think - everything is out of proportion - you know what anxiety can do! Regards yourself - still early days - give it another month! sorry - but you will feel better - remember from many years ago on Prozac it was 12 weeks - and I never looked back! Keep in touch Laura x

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

Yes - everything feels like an effort - not interested in anything - took my westie to the groomers - well what an effort! Came back in tears - my work colleague phoned me up the other night and asked how I was feeling and said not good - she said "well that's not you - you make us all laugh!"! That annoyed me - you know what I mean - anyway - speak to you soon. Laura x:)

17-02-12, 08:45
Thanks Laura, its just so frustrating isn't it?!
I cant wait to get better, its just a waiting game I suppose :weep:.
The only thing I think is that tomorrow could be better again but I've got a lot of hours left in this day to feel rubbish!! Think a diazepam might be in order if I cant shake it off.
Definately keep in touch with you xx

Love Hayley :hugs:

17-02-12, 19:23
Hi Hayley i used to be like that but i got used to alot of the anxiety symptoms i get .. the way i look at it is if u think about it then it will just make you anxious anyways and no matter what you do they will come at some point .... nowadays i tend to ignore most feelings, my worst fear is my heart and palpatations ... perhaps a good way is to get up and get straight into what u have to do or leave something from the day before that needs to be done first thing in the morning ... distraction is the key xxx

17-02-12, 20:08
Thank you for your reply Amanda, I will give that a go tomorrow morning, its neverending, I feel much better than I did earlier which is a good thing but I have had distractions like you say :)

Love Hayley x

17-02-12, 20:13
Good luck hun .... its what i do when im at my worst and i always think it wont work but it generally does, u dont have time to think therefore u dont feel in some ways if that makes sense xx