View Full Version : Still not dead.

20-06-06, 14:39
This morning I have been absolutley convinced I am dying/going to die.

The chest pains are obviously a heart attck, the back pain is cancer (my sister died aged 36 and this was a major symptom, and I've had weird headaches and eye twitching.

It was getting so bad I just wanted to go home and let it happen at a place I was comfortable in. But 3 hours have passed and it still hasn't happened.

Why do I trust my gut instinct more than reality? - i have been dying for 8 years now - My gut instinct has always been really good when meeting new people and judging situations but this HA seems to be the one that makes a mockery of that.

So I just wanted to declare to everyone - My inner voice is a liar when it comes to physical sensations. It is a proven liar and although it will be right just before I kick it, I can confidently predict it will be wrong 98% of the time.

Yours is too. LIAR!!!

Still not Dead

20-06-06, 14:49
I completely agree.....even when everything is going great and you can tell your body is healing and getting better that innoer voice can still be a liar.
I am not dead yet either.
Thank you for such a reassuring post.

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere

20-06-06, 15:23
yet another great post from Mr Conlan x

Hay x

20-06-06, 19:24
Thanks Mc, you have made me smile yet again, you have a way of writing things that just sums up how HA sufferers feel and with such humour, don't stop, cheers me up no end. I'm not dead yet either, should have been at least 4 times this past year from all sorts of terminal stuff. I can't trust my feelings anymore they lie, just like that inner voice. Thanks Mc

Take care

'This too will pass'

marie ross
20-06-06, 22:53
Hi Mc

Welcome back from the dead!!!! You know i nearly died at the weekend, yep my heart nearly stopped, i had to run back to the car (did'nt want to die in the street, to embarrassing, it had to be in the car!!) Well you know what i LIED.......i did'nt die, stupid inner voice...i hate you!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

22-06-06, 10:46
me to been dying more this past week since my op been thinking of all the things that go wrong after any op its been over a week now but the inner vioce is still telling me alls not right yet i can be ok one min and in he pops to remind me today might be the day wish i could find a pill just to kill the inner voice dont you we would better off with out him always worrying

22-06-06, 13:48
i hope i one day call my fear a liar,

ive been dying for 5 years and the chest pain is so bad today and dying today again, 500 times a day

i hope i am strong enuf one day to call it a liar
