View Full Version : Week 9 on Citalopram

17-02-12, 08:24
Hi all,

Well I am on week 9 of citalopram and I must admit it has made a massive difference to how I was 9 weeks ago, but, I still know I am not "right" yet, I know these meds aren't a miracle cure but when will I be back to myself? I am on 30mg reduced from 40mg two weeks ago as I was getting horrible anxiety attacks and my doc thought maybe it was an overload of the citalopram??

Anyone been on these tablets and not felt fully well after this length of time?? Its my first time on antidepressants as I have never suffered before but its taken over my life right now!!

Thanks for any advice
Love H x

17-02-12, 09:15
Hi, i was on citalopram up untill wednesday and then ive been changed to mirtazapine, i perservered with cit since sept on different doses but i still wasn't well, after 9 weeks you should be feeling alot better so if you don't think they are working then please don't struggle on like i did ask to be changed, good luck xx