View Full Version : bad day today with throat and itching... will worry ever go!!

17-02-12, 09:27
I am getting so fed up with this HA!! It is always something and it is making me waste my life!!!! At the moment it is the lump in the throat! Even though I read so many posts on here about it, and that really helps, today it doesn't and I am petrified it is something serious!! It feels like there is a lump in my throat that wont go away! I can't feel it in my neck when I prod but it seems to be there all the time!! Normally better in the morning, but this morning I woke with it still there, hence my post :( Also I woke up itching everywhere? Where has that come from? Is itching to do with anxiety too??

Sorry to go on but have had two doctors feel my neck over the last month to be told all is ok, I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks that I keep thinking, stop worrying and ask when I have my appointment! But I can't stop worrying! How can anxiety cause you to feel like you have a marble stuck in your throat?? I know it can but the feelings are SO real that it is scarey and if I am not in a strong mind way I dissolve into someone I don't like that is constantly checking and worrying!! All of us HA's are so worried about serious illness and dying so WHY do we waste our life with all this constant worrying??

I am SO having an awful day and its only morning!!!

Sarah :(

17-02-12, 09:40
Where is your lump, is it just a feeling inside your throat or can you feel a lump when you touch your neck?
I know so may people who feel a lump inside their throat and it is anxiety that causes the feeling.
I understand you vey well when you say the HA makes you waste your life. It is the same for me very often :(


---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 ----------

I read more carefully now and I understand that you can NOT feel the lump with your hands. I am really sure it is your anxiety that causes the feeling in your throat.
About the itching: it happens to me during winter, my skin gets dry and starts to itch everywhere. Could it be the same for you?

17-02-12, 09:52
Thanks for your response, not sure what the itching is? I have had it ages ago and doctor said it could be hormnonal! It seems everything (if you are a woman) is always hormonal or anxiety! Yes I can't feel the lump to touch. The whole family had an awful throat virus about 3 weeks ago, they seem ok, but I am left with this horrid feeling!

I HATE this HA! Supposed to be looking forward to seeing my sister and family today but all I can think about is my throat! Pathetic I know! :(

17-02-12, 13:01
I itch when I wake up sometimes if I get warm under the covers and sweat. Not like night sweats, just getting warm.

17-02-12, 14:07
is it your time of month,i know some people itch around then?
the worry is unbearable isnt it,it ruins so much in our lives,my baby is due in 2 weeks yet all i obsesss over is health cant focus on baby its naff isnt it!
ive had the throat lump before,i dont know what causes it but mine was put down as anxiety symptom too xx
hope you have a better day tommorowxxx

17-02-12, 14:16
In my view your throat sounds very very likely to be anxiety. I sufferred so badly with this for two years. It literally felt like there was a large object wedged in my throat and I would cough and gag and retch until I was sick (still do sometimes :blush:.)

eventually went to see my Doc who sent me to have a camera rammed up my nose and thence down mny throat (which is nowhere near as bad as it sounds) and it was a sore spot being caused by acid reflux. Tablets and much much better.

17-02-12, 15:38
Hi, thanks for your replies! I have got a doctors appointment with my usual doctor in a few weeks so I will ask then about my throat. I am trying desperately not to give in and just go to the docs for reassurance, am trying to think like a 'normal person' and what they would do, so as I already have an appointment in two weeks will try and last out til then!

Actually asked my sister today and she felt my neck and said she thinks my glands are up, she said that is probably cause of my throat virus a few weeks ago, she reckons gland can stay up for months and maybe that is why it feels like there is a lump in my throat all the time. Does anyone know if glands can stay up for ages???


17-02-12, 18:00
my dr has told me before glands can stay swollen for a while after your sick, but if you feel a lump in your throat, like when you swallow, thats probably anxiety. The glands that you feel on the outside of your neck would have to be so big for them to press on your throat, you probably wouldnt be able to bend your neck, I dont even know if its possible for them to get that big.

Its that horrible anxiety lump! My dr has also said before that sometimes, we can not notice it happening, but stomach acid can burn or irritate our throats a little, and since we are so sensative to whats going on in our throats it feels like a giant lump when really its just an irritated spot that will be gone in a few days.

As for the itching, when I had complete real panic attacks ( only had 2, thank God) I would get hives afterwards, even if I hadn't eaten or drank anything in hours. Besides that my legs get so itchy I think I'll go insane, my DR also told me its nothing to be worried about.

Good luck at your appointment!

17-02-12, 18:11
Oh thanks Danii, that has made me feel a lot better! The lump in the throat is horrid, I have suffered from HA for a while, but never had this before! Horrid sympton! I am going to really try hard and purposely NOT worry this weekend and try and enjoy family time! I am going to really try and ignore the throat thing.......

sherylee xx
17-02-12, 20:55
the feelin is real hun when your anxious it causes your throat muscles to retract givin you the lum p in your throat feelin iv had it and its horrible xx

17-02-12, 21:41
Oh thanks sherylee, its horrid isn't it! Will defo try to relax and see if it goes. I read all these posts about it but it is hard to believe it is just anxiety, but it makes sense that it could be the throat muscles retracting, so will really try and ignore it!

How come I can give good advice but not accept it when it comes to me!!!