View Full Version : Antibiotics

17-02-12, 10:37
Hi guys just a quick one, i started taking antibiotics today for a water infection but within 15 mins of taking it i started being sick so shall i stop taking them? I can't get a doctors appointment until next Thursday. Thank you

17-02-12, 10:53
hi what antibiotics are you on ? i personally wouldnt take anymore but thats just me, can you not get the dr to ring you back if you cant get an appointment thats what i usually do good luck amandaxx

17-02-12, 11:05
Thanks Amanda they r nitrofurantoin! I've tried to get a phone call from t doctors but there to busy :-( if it gets worse over the weekend i guess i will have to go to the out of hours doctors xx

17-02-12, 17:49
You definitely need to get advice from a doctor, they will assess whether this is a normal reaction to antibiotics (which will subside as you continue on them) or whether it is an allergy. When I had a bad reaction - also to the same one you are on - I came out in blotches all over after just one pill and my temperature went very hot and it was a definite allergy so they switched me to something else. That was for a water infection too.

17-02-12, 21:44
if cant get to see a dr pop into chemist and ask good luck xx

17-02-12, 21:54
have you tried to eat something before you take your antibiotics, i had that with erytromicin, but it got better if i took it with food