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05-05-04, 14:35
Hi everyone

I've been suffering on and off from anxiety/depression for the last 9 years. In the last couple of years the ups and downs seem to have been getting more extreme. Anyway I had a particuarly bad down the weekend before last, probabaly one of my worst ever. I was feeling better by Tuesday but I've finally decided it's time to stop trying to cope on my own, after all if we keep doing the same things then the same things will keep happening.

It's been such a relief to find this site and realise that there are other people going through the same things. Especially the feeling of depersonalisation - which is so scary. I've never told anyone before the last week. I've read bits and pieces about depression but never really connected it with the anxiety, I'm starting to notice how many things in my life it's been affecting without realising it It's also so different reading advice from people who know what it's like - some of the things you read can make it feel worse because there doesn't seem to be any understanding behind it. The photos on the site help as well - everyone looks so normal that in a funny way it makes me feel less alone.

So - this time it's going to be different. I am going to start getting over this thing, but not on my own this time. GP's appointment booked for tomorrow, which is a bit worrying so wish me luck!


05-05-04, 15:31
Hi Chris,

Glad you have found this site! I just found it myself a couple days ago and have found it very useful already. Welcome aboard!
I hope you GP appointment went well - it's always a bit scary having to go face the doctor. I know the feeling.
I've been suffering from panic attacks for just under a year. It was misdiagnosed as an epileptic fit and that made the process of dealing with it so much work. I am on medication and see a therapist and now feel much better for it - so don't worry, things will start to look up soon!
Take care.
Sarah xxx

05-05-04, 15:33
Hi Chris

I am a fairly new visitor to this site having found it at one of my lowest points ( I have had panic attacks and been agoraphobic for the last 18 years)

I still haven't made much progress but am much more reassured about some of the symptoms - especially the depersonalisation which is one of the scariest things as i worry that I won't revert to my "normal self"

Hope everything goes well at the doctors - insist you get a proper referral. I am always too scared too push for it but you go for it.

Take care


05-05-04, 16:19
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the site .

Good for you for deciding to deal with the issue now.

If you're nervous about going to see the GP, it's helpful to go armed with
a list of things you want to tell them,
the questions you'd like to ask and
some sort of idea of what you'd like the outcome of your appointment to be.

Otherwise it's quite easy to be overwhelmed and come out and feel fobbed off or not having asked something you really wanted to ...

Let us know how it goes


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

05-05-04, 20:45
Hi Chris

Welcome to the site.

Glad to see you here and that you decided to post your first message.

Yes we do all look normal but that is the whole thing about panic - it can effect absolutely anyone of any age.

I hope you get some great advice on here.


06-05-04, 09:37
Thanks for the advice. Saw my GP this morning who prescribed Cipramil (citalopram hydrobromide) Think I may as well give it a go although I don't want it to be a long term thing. Does anyone have any experience of this drug?

06-05-04, 10:08
Hiya Chris

I am on cipramil and have had good experiences with it..not really any side effects and ive felt a lot happier. It doesnt stop my panic but they are a lot milder.

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

april tones
06-05-04, 22:46
welcome chris! i have had same symptoms before, very scary arent they. How you getting on with meds?


07-05-04, 20:23
Only day 2 (and on 1/2 dose to start with) no side effects yet. I feel quite good at the mo but then I do go up and down anyway. Thanks for the advice with the doc Meg, it did help - Tho I wonder how much help he would have been if I'd gone in knowing nothing.

One major achievement today - I talked my way back into a job having spent the last couple of months screwing that side of my life up :)
And I told my family, which was a big relief - and not as bad as I'd feared.

So, all in all, a good day [8D]

08-05-04, 00:00
Excellent news beachstar for one day !

What job are you going to be doing ?

How much had your family known before ?


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

10-05-04, 23:24
Customer services [:0]

Family didn't know anything before. I know everyone is different but if anyone is unsure about telling people I'd recommend it. I wouldn't say my family are going to be particuarly helpful but it feels better not having to hide things.

12-05-04, 15:27
good for you about the job and telling your family. It really does help just knowing that people understand or at least do know some of what you are going through

21-05-04, 12:36
hi chris welcome to the site x it is such a comfort to share your worrys with your family, friends and everyone here, we all really do understand what you are going through, as they say a problem shared is a problem halfed x how are the meds going ? good i hope take care from mary