View Full Version : the noise of planes makes me wake up in a panic!

17-02-12, 11:11
Does anyone else experience this? Before I go o sleep if I hear a loud plane fly over my house I go into such a panic! Last night I woke up to a really loud noise, kinda like a helicopter, then it got closer and iv never heard anything so loud. It was quite low for a plane but it sounded too powerful to be a helicopter. Another thing hat was strange about it was that it had a single bright, non flashing light instead of the usual flashing lights that planes and helicopters usually have. What was it?? I'm still scared now!!

I am terrified of war and nuclear weapons but why am I so scared of planes?
Thanks in advance for your comments :)

clear blue sky
20-02-12, 10:08
hi abs,

I cant say I have ever experienced this, however I have been terrified of other things. It sounds to me like you have some sort of phobia?!.
when did your fear of planes, war and nuclear weapons begin?

It is not uncommon for people to be scared of flying. War and weapons are naturally horrific things for anyone. If you have a phobia or feel yourself more anxious your perception of these will create a larger scale of fear. This can sometimes exaggerate your thoughts and encourage an unrealistic fear that is not really that threatening and unlikely.

What do you imagine will happen when you hear a plane/helicopter??

take care

20-02-12, 18:13
Hi clear blue sky thanks for replying..

I definatley think this is a phobia as I feel complete fear when this happens! I think I have a phobia of nuclear weapons and war as daft as it may sound, because whenever I hear a plane that's extremely loud I immediately think we're going to get bombed.
I don't remember when they started but I used to get dreams that we were nuclear bombed and then I would die in my dream.
What fears have you experienced? Do you think these fears will go as my anxiety improves or do you think my day to day anxiety should be treated seperately to these irrational fears?

Thanks x

20-02-12, 20:46
i have the same thing with the sound of cars- pulling up/ doors shutting. if i'm in bed especially with the window open and i hear people getting out of a car outside, i get a shock like i've been slammed in the chest with something very heavy, my heart starts thudding so hard. i'm frozen in panic listening for every noise until enough time passes that i can be sure nothing's going to happen.
i still haven't been able to totally overcome this fear but i can relate to how it feels :emot-wanttohug:

20-02-12, 22:34
It really is the worst feeling waking up in a panic! When you do that most nights of the week it can make you feel exhausted!
I'm interested to know what goes through your mind when you hear car doors slamming? Do you link it with something else you fear?

20-02-12, 23:35
I had a dream I was surrounded by chaos from a plane crash, after my friend passed away I was walking home when I heard an airplane above, it was far but sounded so close and I ran home. When I got home I tried to forget it and prepared my dinner then another plane flew across my house I was inside but felt lik it was getting sooo close ,I felt dizzy heart pounding and ears seemed to pop and as I panicked close to tears I felt lik I was about to lift from my body it felt lik I was dying and after a few minutes I called my big sister and could barely speak through the tears and that was my 1st panic attack :-(

clear blue sky
21-02-12, 09:05
just general fears of death, my family and friends dying,me dying. If someone was late home I would be convinced they had been In an accident or something bad had happened. Its crazy how powerful the mind can be.

phobias like these all come under anxiety issues. Iv learnt how to control my thoughts by realising what I am thinking e.g (a loved one being run over) is highly unlikely.

Yea sure nasty things like that can happen in life and we loose people we love, but we all die one day.

I decided not to let my mad thoughts take control and stopped myself from thinking these things. At the end of the day when we spend our lives In fear of things that are unlikely to happen we are not truly living.

It is possible to overcome your fears and phobias


21-02-12, 17:49
Lorraine you've just described exactly how I feel whenever i hear a loud plane! Is that a panic attack? the other night id fallen asleep with the tv on and the tv was flashing blue light. I saw these lights with my eyes closed and thought it was a flash from a bomb. I actually thought I was going to die there and then and felt sick with fear!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, did this event trigger the dreams and the panic attacks?


24-02-12, 00:21
It really is the worst feeling waking up in a panic! When you do that most nights of the week it can make you feel exhausted!
I'm interested to know what goes through your mind when you hear car doors slamming? Do you link it with something else you fear?

yeah i know exactly what you mean. when i'm feeling particularly vulnerable the sounds can snap me right out of the deepest sleep and you can't relax thinking when it will happen again.

it originally stemmed from when i lived alone and i became afraid of people coming to my door, for various reasons i thought bailiffs were going to come and throw me onto the street or take me to court for unpaid bills etc because i didn't have a job for a long time and was under a lot of financial stress. also because of my body dysmorphic disorder, once i was deeply entrenched in my solitude, the idea of coming face to face with another human being was absolutely terrrifying since i thought my appearance would be horrific. and then unfortunately even once i'd moved out of the environment it started in, the same situation occured many more times at different points in my life, so the habit was constantly pounded into me to have a panic response to anyone coming near my house. so i've never quite been able to shake the feeling attached to those sounds.

19-04-12, 22:05
So sorry for ridiculously late reply I haven't been here for ages! Yes Br that is z panic attack they are terrible and mine where triggered by the death of my friend my GP has referred me to a therapist after I burst into tears in her room from frustration and exhaustion so now I'm on nhs waiting list over few weeks to start counsrlling, today I think I have been having mini attacks , feeling like I have a heavy chest feet and hands feeling numb or tingly and just general fear.They suck but you have to learn to cope otherwise they take over your whole life, I force myself to not think about what I'm going through when I'm going through it, when did yours start?

---------- Post added at 22:05 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

Lorraine you've just described exactly how I feel whenever i hear a loud plane! Is that a panic attack? the other night id fallen asleep with the tv on and the tv was flashing blue light. I saw these lights with my eyes closed and thought it was a flash from a bomb. I actually thought I was going to die there and then and felt sick with fear!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, did this event trigger the dreams and the panic attacks?

So sorry for ridiculously late reply I haven't been here for ages! Yes Br that is z panic attack they are terrible and mine where triggered by the death of my friend my GP has referred me to a therapist after I burst into tears in her room from frustration and exhaustion so now I'm on nhs waiting list over few weeks to start counsrlling, today I think I have been having mini attacks , feeling like I have a heavy chest feet and hands feeling numb or tingly and just general fear.They suck but you have to learn to cope otherwise they take over your whole life, I force myself to not think about what I'm going through when I'm going through it, when did yours start?

william wallace
20-04-12, 12:23
Does anyone else experience this? Before I go o sleep if I hear a loud plane fly over my house I go into such a panic! Last night I woke up to a really loud noise, kinda like a helicopter, then it got closer and iv never heard anything so loud. It was quite low for a plane but it sounded too powerful to be a helicopter. Another thing hat was strange about it was that it had a single bright, non flashing light instead of the usual flashing lights that planes and helicopters usually have. What was it?? I'm still scared now!!

I am terrified of war and nuclear weapons but why am I so scared of planes?
Thanks in advance for your comments :)

It was probably a police helicopter chasing someone using a searchlight?:)

12-09-13, 22:44
I know this was posted over a year ago but I have the exact same fear! Whenever planes go over my head I'm terrified we are going to be bombed its ridiculous. My heart races my body has a rush of hot go through it and I panic. I really panic when I see army planes and I live so close to so many barracks. I get panic attacks and its ruining my life. If u could give me some advice that would be so much appreciated'