View Full Version : Stupid spots!

17-02-12, 11:59
Hi everyone, some of you might know my HA has been based around leukemia for the past few months. I've been alot better for the past couple of weeks, just odd moments but I noticed that when I come out of a shower I've been getting petechiae (I think) always on my right foot! It's always quite red when I leave the shower, I think the water is too hot but these little red dots that don't blanch have been appearing! I don't know if it's always been the case or if I'm only seeing them because I'm looking, but I can sort of feel the fear coming back, they're here again today after my shower and I scratched them, now my foot is all red again! I'm just so worried it's another early sign of leukemia. I've not been sleeping well, and I've been getting an itchy scalp for some reason so now my mind is going again.... :(