View Full Version : i feel so sad

17-02-12, 12:22
things have been tough for our family the last few years, my partner finally got a design job after 2/3 years searching, it's 30 miles away and hard work training, only 13k a year (we are in dept) he was doing ok then told he needs to learn quicker or he may get the axe...so he has been working his socks off trying to learn this new software worried and he text me yesturday saying it's going ok now he's doing better, when he got home he got a call to say his mum had died (cancer) so he rushed out again, its a sad situation i dont know where to start..he has gone work today (he hasnt told anyone at work) he has just got over the flu and has a muscle spasm in his neck thats really painful and still going..

i feel sad in general anyway lately and so many things keep happening to us, i feel like we are doomed for bad luck...i wish i could see so hopes for the future

sorry to go on :(

17-02-12, 12:30
sending you a hug.....
how awful for your family, things always seem to come at once...
Try to stay strong for your partner, he is going through a stressful time, in more than one area...
try to think that surely in time things can now only get better for your family.... as in youve had all your bad luck, and things can only go upwards and get better for you.....
Sorry for your loss...xx

22-02-12, 12:53
thanks for your reply

im not sure whats going on with me at the min, i had flu last week, i am better now but have suddenly started feeling quite ill today, sinuses etc and all i want to do is sleep all day long, i feel so extremely tired i dont know what to do with myself (im a full time mum) i really dont know what would happen if i had to work i just couldnt cope, my brain feels lazy and lathargic, i have felt extemely tired for a long time, i was wondering could it be chronic fatigue syndrome?

i have 0 energy, i feel really guilty round my kids...

when i think about my mother in law dying last week i get a sense of panic, it's a weird situation as my partner had 3 younger siblings that were took into care and adopted when he was younger as his mum couldnt cope (breakdown) and his dad didnt want to know, he doesnt like to speak about it..he had a rough upbringing, we found out that she left her savings to the youngest sibling that was adopted, i dont even think she knows she has brothers & sisters, we have never met her.... but even though we didnt want her money as such its sad that we were not even considered...almost like she didnt care about us...

i just feel so sad i dont know where my life is going, we need some luck or something?

my nan died last year and she was really good to me, she had nothing when she died, we had give her house back to the council, and a rough family have moved in and trashed the place, rubbish all over the front garden, no maintanace or curtains, i kept thinking about this last night just made me so upset, mum mum spoke to one of the neighbours who said they are a real nusance family and have trashed the house...i know the house didnt belong to my nan but i breaks my heart that the new people didnt appreciate it like she did...

i will shut up now...sorry

28-02-12, 20:04
i feel a bit better this week, my partner quit his job cause he couldnt handle it, he wants me to get a job, we are both desperate, but im not sure what will happen , we are in dept, desperately need a break, could do with some money else we might loose our house etc, weirdly enough i feel a bit better like i have pushed the stress to the back of my head...what is this life thing all about?

28-02-12, 20:23
it is hard at times...life.....but we get through....somehow,we push through the bad times and when good times come... its such a reward.
2 of my friends died within 6 months a few years ago,i found drugs in my 14 year old sons school coat...had a massive row with my mum because i didnt like her boyfriend (who she moved in after knowing him about 2 weeks),started having crippling panic attacks.....they eventually stopped (only because i avoided the places it happened)
....then last year,i had a breakdown after my mum had a seizure in front of me,my daughter had been badly bullied at school(had to involve the police) and everything just got on top of me,the panic attacks came back...much worse and i suffered terrible insomnia and obsessive thoughts of my loved ones dying......thought i was going out of my mind and i sank into deep depression..couldnt wash myself,clean my home.....
3 months on im definitely on the road to recovery and can feel positive again (never thought i,d enjoy anything ever again!)
keep going,keep trying.....when youre at your lowest,it seems like nothing will improve....but it will....try and concentrate on the future.....even a part time job is better than nothing....or 2 part time jobs
perhaps you could talk to someone professional about the debt too.....if you could get help with that,Im sure it would be a load off your mind?
stay strong for each other and talk x