View Full Version : Hello All

17-02-12, 14:03
Hello, my name is Jackie and I had to go to the doctor today for major depression. He's given me 20mg tablets of Citalopram, I haven't taken one yet as I am quite scared after reading other posts.
When I was a child my mum suffered badly with depression and was on tablets, can't remember what they were, might have been Diazepam. The tablets obviously weren't working as she eventually took her own life when I was just nine.
Now I am really scared in case these tablets affect me in the same way:emot-crying:

17-02-12, 14:05
Hi Jackpot65

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

17-02-12, 15:04
Hi and welcome, so sorry to hear about your mum :hugs: if i was you id start on 10mg of citalopram as they can increase your anxiety etc to start with, that way you can ease yourself in slowly, good luck xx

17-02-12, 15:25
Thanks for your welcome and your help. Will try just half a tablet and see how it goes.

17-02-12, 15:28
yeah id def just take 10mg for a week or so but fingers crossed you won't suffer any side effects :D xx