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17-02-12, 14:29
anyone suffered weight loss with anxiety? but still been mostly eating ok... I know you can lose your appitite when your anxious or stressed but what about if your appitite is reasonable can it still make you lose weight??? i wondered when people say they have weight loss . is it just cuz its makes you not want to eat...

17-02-12, 19:31
Yes I have experienced it before. Actually it's the same as gaining weight with worry and stress because our metabolism start working different during anxiety. So basically one can gain or lose weight depending on their body.

If it is a slight change in weight, it usually means nothing. I don't think there is something to worry about, if your appetite is OK.

Feel well soon

17-02-12, 19:47
when im on a complete panic mission i have no appitite, but im usually just thinking very negtive or thinking im gonna die of something or other.. Ive lost 18lb in 3 months, ive always been overweight (13.6lb average) and just couldnt lose it what ever i did. but over these 3 months its fell off. and im just not used to being thinner, to me and my HA weightloss means illness!!!
Thank you for replyin , its nice to know im not alone xxx

17-02-12, 23:04
when im on a complete panic mission i have no appitite, but im usually just thinking very negtive or thinking im gonna die of something or other.. Ive lost 18lb in 3 months, ive always been overweight (13.6lb average) and just couldnt lose it what ever i did. but over these 3 months its fell off. and im just not used to being thinner, to me and my HA weightloss means illness!!!
Thank you for replyin , its nice to know im not alone xxx

This is exactly how i feel. I think i keep myself a little oveweight because i know serious illness usually means big weight losses. Probably a psychological thing with me. Doesn't make sense really because if i had a serious illness, the weight would fall off regardless and i'd notice it more being thinner!

18-02-12, 09:03
well my weightloss has been reasonabley gradual. but im still thinner and never managed it before... im trying to put some back on then i know im not ill, but i just cant ......... then i worry and panic starts over again ... Hate HA x

18-02-12, 10:55
Hey again Pearl, you can just go and ask doctor to have some tests just to see what's going on. Don't just think that your are very ill or something, it can be something minor. Knowing the reason will make you feel better.

Have you ever had your thyroid glands checked? They may be working a bit faster than usual. And if you are young, those type of weight changes are normal I think. Since younger ones burn energy easier compared to mature people.
I hope it goes well, feel well soon.

18-02-12, 10:57
I have recently had full bloods done, and the doc was fine with results... im frightened ive got something hidden and docs arnt picking up on, even tho i go almost every week with the same pains and symptoms..
im 32 with 3 kids... xx

08-03-12, 16:15
Hello Pearl, have you lost your appetite completely ? Are you underweight ? Are you able to eat anything at all ?

I lost a lot of weight fast due to ill health and anxiety and was finally given Domperidone tablets to kick start my appetite when I was underweight. It certainly helped me to eat something and I actually felt hungry and my tummy growled. Putting on weight again has been really hard and slow, but those tablets are a good starting place if you are concerned about persistant low weight. Chat to your GP/Pharmacist about it, see if it is an option for you.

08-03-12, 16:51

My sister and I loose loads of weight when anxiety is bad! All the adrenaline that races around while we are bad eats up all the fat etc, that is the ONLY good thing about anxiety! Don't worry, thats all it is xx

09-03-12, 13:52
hi i have gone from 10stone 5 to 9stone 6 in 3 wks im so worried. cant eat prop feel sick alltime

09-03-12, 13:54
lisa, are you anxious all the time? do you have an appitite....? x

09-03-12, 14:57
I lost weight , a year later I've still a few pounds left to gain back.
My appetite is better but I have to often put in the extra effort to eat more.
I seem to lost the enjoyment of food. I always enjoy my dinner as I usually will be hungry.
But other meals not so much due to not feeling hungry.
But undereating can make your anxiety worse too.
I eat pizza because it's the one thing that seems to help me gain weight :)
Drinking things like Complan is good, it's more for all the nutriants and vitamins in it.

10-03-12, 20:49
pearl79 yes anxiety. panic. dipression and stress i dont have appeite if i do eat i feel sick straight away.

10-03-12, 20:58
I lose weight mega quick when stressed. Your metabolism goes through the roof when really anxious. My cbt told me that so its a sure fact :)

10-03-12, 21:06
ive gone from 10stone 5lb to 9stone 6lb in 3 wks. this is alot

10-03-12, 21:09
I have been losing weight since the end of December..lost it quite fast at first and now slowed to about a pound a week. I think mine is anxiety and stress related. Also scared to eat certain foods for fear of what they will do to my body and heart rate. Last few dinner meals have been larger, but still not gaining. Also being on my own don't feel like making much to eat very often.

Glad we don"t have to suffer alone and can find like minded folk on here.

10-03-12, 23:08
It's so ironic I think.

People usually try to lose weight, I do, and when I start losing weight I don't even have the luxury to get happy about it because somewhere in my mind, there is always a slight thought like "what if it's because of a sickness"... That's so, tiresome.

10-03-12, 23:35
This is exactly how i feel. I think i keep myself a little oveweight because i know serious illness usually means big weight losses. Probably a psychological thing with me. Doesn't make sense really because if i had a serious illness, the weight would fall off regardless and i'd notice it more being thinner!

OMG that exactly how I feel. I had a dramatic weight loss last year 12LB in a 3 weeks due to anxiety, so have been keeping myself over weight. deff psycological. Now am trying to lose weight and cant arggghhh! :wacko: