View Full Version : need advice

17-02-12, 14:33
Hi All,

I am after some advice i am unsure if i have ibs or not.

My symptoms are:
At night i get a noisy stomach sounds like bubbly/farting in my bowel.
2. I get stomach cramps sometimes with anxiety but sometimes when i am not worried i get them i go to the toilet about twice.
3. However i get these probs once a month if that i focus on my stomach away to much.
4. My Stools are like cow pats (hate that word) and i have lumpy stools too. I never do "sausages" probs only once a week if that.
5. visit the toilet once a day.
6. Worse i get stomach cramps which is the worst.. They ache but its above and below belly in the middle.. not on left or right.
7.When i get cramps i go to the toilet and normally goes after...

Its just ruining my life planning it around my stomach and feeling nervous all the time. I hate it... Also sorry for the questions. When you get cramps how long they last for? Mine last about 10 minutes if mild only ever had it last about an hour if its bad Also is the loose stools due to fiber???

I am just unsure if its IBS or anxiety? Please Help need some advice :(

Thanks :)

17-02-12, 17:44
It could be either or both, or one causing the other. I'd go and see your GP if you have not already. What's your diet like? Have a think about whether you are eating properly and drinking enough water. My stools were never brilliant until I changed my diet to include lots of fruit and veg and plenty of fibre (but get advise on diet first, because that would depend on exactly what is wrong with you). However the best diet in the world can only go so far if you have anxiety which is something you need to tackle, hence the suggestion of seeing a GP. Good luck and keep us posted.

17-02-12, 18:56
Thanks for the reply :) ..

I do get cramps and noisy stomach.. but not all the time and normally goes when i visit the toilet only 3 times max happens maybe once or month or once every two months. The pain is an achee is there treatment for that.

Yeah i decided to drink more water dont even have a glass a day i only eat fruit bananas and apples could be that. But my stools are rarely solid tho :(
