View Full Version : can i just ask someone

17-02-12, 17:00
my anxiety has been really bad the last couple of days and i all i keep thinking about is the anxiety , am i keepimg my anxiety going because im always thinking about it and am i obsessed by it or is other people like me and can any please give me some advice on how to stop doing it as ive been doing the distraction and my breathing and trying possitive words but its not helping at the moment ,if i knew how to not keep thinking about it maybe id exept it but just dont how to as the exepting part i really sruggle with because im not sure how to really exept it would really could do with some advice thks

17-02-12, 17:12
If only it were that simple.
It is the fear cycle, feel fear, worry about it, gives rise to more fear, worry about fear, more fear etc.
You need to stop fearing the anxiety, stop caring about the thoughts and feelings. They are just thoughts, and just feelings.

17-02-12, 17:25
ohh yes as pancho says if it was that simple we would all have dvds out lol,,but you can try helping it to be less worrying,,i normally distract myself,,because like you every day i find some symptom or another to wind myself up with,,
i normally play games on here ,,face book or on my ds,,i also knit or crochet,,paint or any hobby really,,because the theory is we cant think of two things a once,,although being a woman i think i can lol

17-02-12, 17:37
Bless you hunny, I know exactly how you feel , I ll be honest I found councilling helped me and don't get them as bad now , 3 things I found helped was being around people , citalopram and councilling . I used to find myself walking down my road at three in the morning in my dressing gown . Lol . Also I kept a diary , just wrote random stuff about my fears ,how I felt but what helped me in the end was me . I had to because no one else was . I hope this helps but if you need me I m here for you xxx keep busy all my love Zoe xxx

17-02-12, 19:41
Yes this happens to me a lot. If I am feeling ok then I start questioning how I feel all the time and then this causes anxiety.

I find anxiety hard to accept sometimes but I know that probably most people do as its not easy for anyone.

I was at my wOrst about 10 months ago and made a lot of progress but I am still not there and have had afew relapses and I think it's because I am obsessed about getting better. It all ties in with my OCD!

17-02-12, 21:22
Hi hunny , glad to hear you ve made progress that's fantastic , try not to obsess with getting better take each day as it comes and enjoy life as best as you can you deserve it . You have nothing to fear , fear stands for false evidence appearing real and every thing we feel with our anxieties is simply not there . So glad to hear you progressed what ever you were doing then keep doing it your doing fine xxx
Love and hugs
Zoe xxx