View Full Version : flutters.

cheryl foster
17-02-12, 22:20
i suffer constant flutters in my heart.. does any one else get this?..i get them most days.. its down to anxiety...i undersatand this..but..i have a constant fear that im gonna have a heart attack..to the point where im scared to be alone in my flat with my baby...all negative thoughts run around my head..i worry ill have a heart attack and my baby will be left on his own all day til his dad gets home..if i feel really bad..i leave my front door open so that if anything happens to me, a neighbour will hear my baby and help him.. i feel like im mad sometimes..:blush: i find it hard to believe that the flutters are not dangerous..i have them everyday lately.:mad:

17-02-12, 22:23
yes , speak to your GP and perhaps he will prescribe some beta blockers that will help the physical sensation, if that is all the physical symptoms you encounter when having an anxiety attack it may help and nip it at the bud before the panic sets in

17-02-12, 22:29
they are very scary i used to have them daily ,and betalockers have helped me no end, as above said maybe talk to your dr about this and he can prescribe you something to help xx

17-02-12, 22:33
I used to get these occasionally - always made me feel like I needed to cough. I'd try to remind myself that they were just a physical symptom of anxiety and nothing dangerous. If you're really worried (which it sounds like you are) it never hurts to talk to your doctor. Just remember you're not crazy! :hugs:

17-02-12, 22:40
i have been having these since in my early twentys im now 48 ,,yes im still scared ,,they still stop me in my tracks at time,,think id learn by now wouldnt you,,but it does goe to show if ive survived 26 years of them without too much harm im sure you will,,

cheryl foster
17-02-12, 22:41
thankyou all for your comments.. :) i have been given beta blockers before...but...i also suffer fear of medication...i read the leaflet of possible side effects then dont take them.:blush:

17-02-12, 22:54
dont read the leaflet and dont google ! , I always throw the leaflet in the bin , you read they will happen , the atenolol I was given had zero side effects and I am very sensitive to medication. Speak to your GP Im sure they will put your mind at ease.

cheryl foster
17-02-12, 23:43
i know your right..i should throw leaflet in the bin really...and as for google? omg! its a nightmare..i read alsorts of crap on there then get even worse..:doh: thankyou.:)

18-02-12, 00:00
Even try some counseling if you can and if you have been tested etc and they are just anxiety then try not to worry so much... I think the post by teez says it all!!!

18-02-12, 00:30
I could have wrote your post too! I started getting flutters after my baby- now 4-was born and I was so scared to be home by myself, and honestly I still am. I did all the tests, etc. to make sure that everything was medically ok and it was. AND I too am scared to take meds, even vitamins because of a horrible reaction I had years ago....the more you think about it, the worse they are, but how can you not think about it right? If you want to chat, just PM me, I will help you anyway I can, or at least try to make you feel better :)

cheryl foster
18-02-12, 12:05
thankyou all for your comments..teez, wow! 26 years is a long time..i sometimes wonder if i have to just accept i have this condition for life.. sometimes they go..then come back..ewood, i go counselling but it doesnt do me any good for some reason.. ive even tried cbt... maybe i need a better counsellor:roflmao:irforge..thankyou. i will pm you.:hugs:

19-02-12, 00:19
Yes I get heart flutters, it usuallly happens when Iv been eating alot of sugary stuff. The first time I noticed it which was prob about two or three years ago I was worried because I never felt that and mum said I should go and get it checked. I never did though and it kind of went away and comes back every now and then.

To this day I barely have mentioned it to the doctor and after hearing about how common it is and how its not serious I just left it alone and not worried about it.

Tbh I dont really think its a big thing aye but for peace of mind I would mention it to your doctor go to one you trust so you get full peace of mind and if they say there is nothing to worry about then I would just leave it there.

19-02-12, 00:34
Never sure if the flutters are real. They could just be because your sensitive to your body
As Anxiety as been proven to make people feel things about there body that are totally just in the mind

19-02-12, 01:33

I get flutters and the sensation of my heart missing a beat, which is really quite alarming. When I first started noticing this (many years ago), I was convinced I was having a heart attack or had some serious condition and really panicked. I have since discussed this with a few GPs (and had various tests) and have consistently been told that there are 2 main reasons for this:
1) Most of us get variations in our heart beats but those of us with anxiety are more likely to notice them and then become concerned that there is something seriously wrong.
2) Anxiety causes increased adrenaline which cause anxiety symptoms, including faster heart rate and irregularities (at least this is my simplistic, non-medical interpretation).
Each GP has told me not to worry about it but of course, that's easier said than done. It feels awful and really scares me sometimes. There are loads of posts on here about this as it's a really common symptom of anxiety.

Pip x

19-02-12, 02:19
its interesting when you put a heart rate monitor thing on when you get the flutters it kind of confuses the heart rate monitor funny aye.