View Full Version : Advice for a newcomer!

20-06-06, 19:53
Hi, I'm new to all this so I hope it all makes sense.

It's great to hear (in a selfish sort of way) that I'm not alone. I've suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember but it's recently got much worse.

I'm sick of feeling like this. Every ache, pain and gurgle it a sign and the start of my end! The latest is apparently ibs and I've been told that it'll get better when I calm down but I can't calm down for worrying about the ibs ... and so it goes on!

I hate feeling like this. It's like watching the world from a prison and not being able to join it. Will it ever get better? Advice would be greatly received!


20-06-06, 20:02
Welcome KJ :)
I think that part of my problem was I was always doing for everyone else and I didn't give myself any 'me' time. So don't worry about whether you are being selfish. I have found that most on here (myself included)who have anxiety are people pleasers and I have come to the conclusion that everyone HAS to be selfish sometimes to stay healthy!!! I had to learn to say no and mean it sometimes. Also I had to learn that it doesn't matter if everyone likes me or not!! After all, there are plenty of people that I can't stand and I'll bet they aren't losing any sleep over it - lol
I know that you will find lots of useful info here and a great bunch of people who will support you :)


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

20-06-06, 20:27
hi kj,
i agree with what eeyorelover says. i too am a people pleaser and i was always worried about what people would think of me if i said no.
i too have learn't to say no and if by doing that people think i am selfish then my therapist has told me its them with the problem not me.

i am going through the same vicious circle as u r... only i ache
in my rib/chest area and am convinced i have breast cancer. i was so paranoid and got into the bad habit of checking myself everyday which made me ache more which got me more panicky and so the cycle continued.

i am slowley getting out of the panicky stage over this and am down to checking once or twice a week. but its true what the say the less we worry about it, we do find the condition tends to settle.

to try and help me i know have one evening a week which is me time. i pamper myself read a good book and general try to chill. i have found it is helping slightly .

it will get better it just takes time. everyone on here have been so helpful and encouraging and i too am so glad i found the forum.
please don't ever feel you are alone.

all the best

20-06-06, 20:38
hi pink

Thanks for that. I have to say I feel much better just by talking to others who actually understand.

I don't do me time anymore but I'm going to start again - soon!

btw, I've had a similar sort of pain which went on for months and i was constantly checking convinced it was something serious until I discovered it was caused by badly fitting undies!


20-06-06, 20:48
hiya again kj
i did think my pain could be caused by ill fitting undies and i did go get measured and brought the size they mesured me at. although i did this the pain is still present on and off. i say pain it more of an achy briused feeling. i seem to get it more on my right side and wondered if being right handed can make me more prone to feel it on that side more.
i don't fret about it now as much as i did but its still there at the back of my mind.

take care