View Full Version : on going cold and stupid HA!!

18-02-12, 09:52
about 2 weeks ago everyone in my family caught the same really bad congested cold. terrible chest and a ever lasting amount of snot.. well everyone is over it except me.. I still feel like I have a mild cold and have unlimited amount of snot.. why is it staying with me like this..?
I've noticed with my health anxiety that its one thing after another ..literally.. one thing stops and straight away there's something else to worry about taking its place... if u have been reading the posts lately I've posted a few posts lately... its never ending!!! :huh:

18-02-12, 10:28
Hi ya , I had a cold in october that lasted a week but the congested afterwards lasted a month ! I went to the doctors and he said that it was fine. I have had HA for 8 years and I am forever going from one 'illness ' to another and constantly think I've got something terribly wrong with me.please don't worry,congestion does take a long time to go xx

18-02-12, 10:50
im usually quite resiliant to things normally thats all, (tmi) tons and tons of green thick snot!! really thought that would start clearing abit, just dont want an infection. Well hopefully you are both right and will take time!!

My current list of ailments (HA) - sinus infection
abcess up my bum/rectal cancer
stomach cancer
cervical cancer
Cancer of the spine
oviarian cancer
uterine cancer
mouth cancer

converted to normal terms....
piles? constipation
constant ache pain next to belly button
constant extra discharge/spotting for one week middle of cycle
on going, constant stiff back, pain in groin,hip bone, side of trunk
bubble above front tooth

i think im actually going to go mad with it all

I dont know what is actual health problems any more or what is made up by HA!!!

18-02-12, 11:58

I think loads of us can sympathise. I've suffered from anxiety for years with one of my main concerns being my health and a whole load of neverending symptoms.

I've come to the realisation that the symptoms fall into 3 categories:
1) Symptoms caused by anxiety
2) Everyday twinges and aches and pains which most people ignore but which we can't
3) Symptoms of genuine illness, this being the tricky one as we think the former 2 fall into this category.

You can see that I am prone to over-thinking everything and worrying about symptoms just perpetuates them, making you more anxious and feel ill. That's why we have such a variety of symptoms which seem to move to different areas of the body in turn.

I can't say I believe myself all the time but realising the above can help. Your cold is most likely to be exactly that, a cold, but your anxiety is telling you it's something else which is making it last longer.

Look after yourself

Pip x

18-02-12, 14:03
im stuck on no.3 all the time,,,,, driving me nuts... literally xxx