View Full Version : I need advice

20-06-06, 20:03
I am currently trying to better my life by doing a bookkeeping course as I quite my job due to depression. I keep making stupid mistakes on answers to questions set after each lesson so right know I feel a right fool as I have just answered three questions and got the last part of the last question wrong but the biggest problem was I wrote a note to remind me how to do the last part on the paper I worked the answer out on.

Can anyone give me advice on how to get the best out of studing. I do get distracted easy, how many hours should you study for?

Any advice welcome



20-06-06, 22:07
Hi Jane,

I find studying for periods of about 45 mins to an hour then taking a short break is good as I think eventually your concentration starts to go if you work for too long without a break. I also found I was much more alert in the early mornings before anyone else was up ( even before work sometimes). Mind you my friend found it easier to study late at night, even till the early hours, so I guess everyones different and its about finding out what suits you.

good luck

Coni X

21-06-06, 08:00
Thank you coni I will try the 45 min time

21-06-06, 09:06
I find studying in the morning suits me - this is my time of being most alert.

Pretend you are actually at college and turn your phone onto silent and just do the sort of hours like you would at adult education.

You do seem to get into the flow the further into the course you go.

Piglet x :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.