View Full Version : Tai Chi

20-06-06, 20:55
Next Monday is our last Yoga Class till September. I saw a poster about a Tai Chi class. so thought I would give it a try. Went on my own, didn't know if there would be anyone there that I knew, but went anyway.

It turned out to be a lovely relaxing hour. Very friendly bunch of ladies.
Looking forward to going again next week.

I know this isn't a major success story, but at least I am on the right road.

Jenny xxxx

20-06-06, 21:22

I think every step forward is a major success story! Well done to you!!!

20-06-06, 22:16
Hi Jenny,

just read your post and wondered if you would recommend yoga? I've been thinking about it for a while as I get really stressed and depressed at times and with 3 busy children and an equally busy husband ( as well as work) I realised I dont do anything for me (in fact I dont DO anything at all). I'm lost somewhere at the bottom of the pile of things to do lol!

Thing is I dont know if I could pluck up the courage to go to a class and dont know if Im now too fat and unfit (actually thats a lie ..I do know I'm too fat and unfit!) Should I just go for it?

Sorry for hijacking your thread by the way...and well done for trying the tai chi...so much braver than me!

Coni X

21-06-06, 10:13
Hi Coni
GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!! We are all different sizes and shapes in the class I go to, and we all go at our own pace. Our group is mostly 'Ladies of a certrain age' (50+) Apart from the exercisers and relaxation, we are a happy bunch and have a laugh. I am glad I plucked up the courage to go in the first place, and I am now feeling the benefits.

Give it a try.

Best wishes
Jeny xxxxxxxxx

21-06-06, 10:47
A good place to find Tai Chi classes in your area is www.taichifinder.co.uk (I know, because we provide Tai Chi classes where I work :))

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

21-06-06, 16:52
Well done Jenny. Definitely IS a success!


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

21-06-06, 18:41

Thanks for the heads up, I may try this.


"Our thoughts are our reality"