View Full Version : My tongue feels really sore a swollen!

18-02-12, 17:05
well for a couple of days now it has felt sore a swollen when i look at it in the mirror it looks perfectly fine i keeps asking my mum and she said it looks normal i have noticed though its not there when i wake up but i obsessively think about it then it comes back! im also scared my tongue will puff up really big and stop me breathing! do you think this could be anxiety?

clear blue sky
20-02-12, 10:15

It really does sound like anxiety, the idea of not being able to breathe is awful and I guess the more you think about it, it seems the worse it becomes.
However I would see your G.P just to check things out. It will more than likely be nothing but It will give you peace of mind as long as you except what the doctor has told you. Next time you feel your tongue is swelling try distracting yourself with something relaxing or doing something to keep your mind off it and see if that helps.

Take care

20-02-12, 11:07
are you on any meds several anti deps gave me an unbearable bad sore tongue so i had to give them up
