View Full Version : New Girl

20-06-06, 21:27
Hi there
This all all new to me and I must have an explore around the site. I just wanted to introduce myself.
I have had anxiety about death for as long as I can remember, this has come and gone in waves for years but has slowly been getting worse for the last year and has now progressed into full panic attacks and has meant a significant difference to my life. It is not about imminent death but about the fact that we are at some point not being here anymore.
I have been to see the doctor today for the first time she has said that she is going to refer me to see if I can get any help with CBT(to be honest she didn't seem very positive about getting this on the NHS).
I am absolutely shattered, exhausted, I feel ill and my stomach feels as though it is being wrung out in a mangle.
I have recently got married (4 weeks ago) and this should be the happiest time and besides all of this it is.
It isn't great that there are lots of other people feeling like this but it IS great to have somewhere like this. Any advice on how to use the site and also on how to deal with these feelings will be so greatfully received.

20-06-06, 21:35
Hiya Pedngirl

Welcome to the site. A fear or death is a common phobia, many people here suffer it. This site will help you cope with your phobias and we are hear to listen. The chat room is also great place to visit as it is chocker block at around this time (half 9) and everyone is friendly and can give helpful advise.

Hoep you enjoy the forum and site.

Scooties Back

20-06-06, 21:43
Thank you - realised already that I should have probably posted this on the "Introduce yourself" topic.
A friend introduced me to this site - I am so glad she did. I look forward to speaking with you.

20-06-06, 22:24
I've now locked this topic as Pendgirl has also posted this in 'Introductions'

see New Girl - also posted in misc.................... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=11022)
and you can read and reply there
