View Full Version : Is it worth it!!!'

18-02-12, 22:58
Hi sorry to sound so negative I just cannot cope any longer with depression and this anxiety oh and not forgetting OCD every single day is a fight and I really have had enough......have taken prozac on/off for over 20 yrs
Have had lots of traumatic events in my life and life is still pretty much the same and stressful situations occur most days having a autistic/blind 14 yr old son would love to hear words of encouragement from people on how to get through each day and how to stay positive
Manda xx

18-02-12, 23:02
I always liked this quote ...

"It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years -- we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on."

... Sharon Salzberg

Maybe you may find something here also www.nothingworks.weebly.com

18-02-12, 23:10
take each day as it comes never give up and say a prayer
god bless

18-02-12, 23:10
Sometimes when im really feeling sorry for myself...i remember those alot worse off than me, people without limbs, people paraylsed in wheelchairs, people that lost everything in tsunami, and earthquakes.....etc etc... and then i pull myself together and try to be positive over what I HAVE got...

19-02-12, 09:37
Hi Manda. Crikey, you have got a lot on your plate haven't you.
Firstly let me say that I have no experience of Autism whatsoever, only what I have seen on the TV. So with your son having ASD and being blind it must be a continual struggle for you to care for him.
I appreciate that you know more about ASD than I will ever learn but sometimes a fresh outlook helps to remind us of things we can't see because of the brain fog that comes with anxiety and depression. Also please bear in mind that I don't know anythng about you or your personal circumstances.
You must be incredibly tired. Do you have contact with Social Services. Would they be able to provide respite care so that you can get a couple of hours to yourself a week? I see on The National Autistic Society website that families can request a befriender. Would this work for you and your son, it would allow you to get a breather for a bit. Also, do you have a Autism Support Group near you?
I'm just thinking that it might be a good idea to try Citizens Advice. They will probably have all the information at hand to what is about locally and what support can be provided for you. There may be some recent scheme come into being that you are not aware of.
You probably know and have tried all this, I just wish I was able to help you in a practical way.
Chin up Manda.