View Full Version : New Girl - also posted in misc....................

20-06-06, 21:35
..................haven't got the hang of the forum - sorry!
Hi there
This all all new to me and I must have an explore around the site. I just wanted to introduce myself.
My name is Elizabeth and I am 30.
I have had anxiety about death for as long as I can remember, this has come and gone in waves for years but has slowly been getting worse for the last year and has now progressed into full panic attacks and has meant a significant difference to my life. It is not about imminent death but about the fact that we are at some point not being here anymore.
I have been to see the doctor today for the first time she has said that she is going to refer me to see if I can get any help with CBT(to be honest she didn't seem very positive about getting this on the NHS).
I am absolutely shattered, exhausted, I feel ill and my stomach feels as though it is being wrung out in a mangle.
I have recently got married (4 weeks ago - to a beautiful gorgeous man) and this should be the happiest time and besides all of this it really is.
It isn't great that there are lots of other people feeling like this but it IS great to have somewhere like this. Any advice on how to use the site and also on how to deal with these feelings will be so gratefully received.

20-06-06, 22:00
Hi Elizabeth and welcome to the site. Congratulations on your marriage. Glad you have found us. Look at the info in the site about panic etc and just look at posts to get the info you need. There's lots of support and help here. You are certainly not alone.

Take care

'This too will pass'

20-06-06, 22:15
Hi Folks, I suffered severe panic attacks for 14 yrs. I got cured last year. After suffering for so long I thought it was impossible for me to recover. Now I am cured and will never go back to that life of terror.

I came across a book called 'self help for your nerves' at my libaray, I read it about 20 times and I practised the small step that was suggested. I strongly advise anyone wanting to be cured to get this book by Dr. Claire Weekes, she was nominated for the nobel prise medicne in 1983 & 1990 for her work in showing people the cure.

She was a scientist before she became a doctor and a previous sufferer herself. www.drclaireweekes.co.uk read her story, you need to gain faith in the person showing you the way, you will be cured I assure you. Good luck and enjoy your new life.

Dr Claire Weekes, MBE, MB, DSc, FRACP, has probably done more than anybody else to show people suffering from nervous illness how to help themselves and recover. She is renowned internationally for her special understanding and treatment of nervous illness (eg the anxiety state in all its forms). Her books, audio tapes, and video, are recommended by doctors and used in treatment centres all over the world. This remarkable woman, who pioneered self help in psychiatry, was nominated for the Nobel prize for medicine in 1983, and again in 1990. She was years ahead of her time and her work is as relevant now as it has always been.

Dr Weekes originally studied science and was the first woman to obtain a Doctor of Science degree at the University of Sydney. She worked in research for a number of years before going into medicine eventually being elected a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Being both a scientist and a physician, Dr Weekes knows that mind and body work together. She believes that nervous illness can begin very simply, developing from stress and nervous fatigue to produce a pattern of symptoms which can become more frightening to the sufferer than the original cause of their illness or breakdown. So afraid of “the state they are in” patients become trapped in a cycle of nervous suffering. Dr Weekes' methods show people how they can break out of this cycle. She teaches them how to reverse the pattern of its development by learning to think and behave differently. That way they can find their own inner strength by developing the right inner voice, which brings about permanent cure.
When she was cramming for her medicine finals Dr Weekes became nervously exhausted herself. Being a scientist first, she could figure out in scientific terms what was happening to her own biochemistry and work out what to do to put herself back together again by changing her attitude towards the situation she was in, seeing things from a different point of view and altering her mood. She found that over a period of time she could alter her stress hormones, increasing the ones that made her feel better and decreasing the ones that made her feel dreadful. Her genius lay not only in discovering this when she was down herself, but being able to communicate it to other people in simple language, so that tired minds could more easily absorb the information.

Her work, which is internationally acclaimed, is based on her own personal experience of nervous exhaustion, her experiences as a doctor helping and observing her patients with all forms of nervous illness, and her ingeniously applied scientific knowledge. She would never claim to cure people, she would always say she showed people how they could cure themselves. And many thousands have done the world over.


20-06-06, 22:36
Hi amd welcome to the forum.

Your doc is probably right in referring you for CBT, and it may be an idea for you to find out how long it will be before you can be assessed and treated by the Community Mental Health Team. We often seem to be dogged by long waits.

In the meantime, this site will give you some support. There are also other organisations who provide free helpline advice
No Panic http://www.nopanic.org.uk/
First Steps to Freedom http://www.first-steps.org/
Both run telephone recovery courses for paid up members

The National Phobics Society http://www.phobics-society.org.uk/index.shtml
also provide helplines , but for members only - they also offer 'in person' therapy for reduced rates.

But these other three don't offer a forum like we do, where there are always people to respond to your posts all the time.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-06-06, 22:40
and I meant to say...

Regarding the use of this forum, you will get used to it.

We encourage people to use the 'Introduce Yourself' section to begin with, and then post in other sections once the welcomes have been made.

I have locked your other ' New Girl' post under 'Misc' so all further replies will have to be made here. Please only post in one place.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-06-06, 22:46
Hi Elizabeth and welcome to the forum!:D

Take care



20-06-06, 22:59
Hi Elizabeth,

Welcome to the forum. You will be made very welcome here everyone is so nice.



21-06-06, 07:15
Welcome to the forum Elizabeth
Love Helen

21-06-06, 09:10
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Congratutulations on your recent nuptuals. I am due to be wed to my lovely Martin in just 16 days!

I have just purchased the Claire Weekes book and am getting stuck in. Fingers crossed i find it jut as helpful as everyone else has!

Hay x

24-06-06, 15:46
Hi Elizabeth

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.


26-06-06, 12:17
hello Elizabeth,it is horrid,the fear or death thing.i am with tyou on that one!I sit and cry and panic and think about my kds and people in the street,and the fact that we are doomed,so why bother to be born???It kinda crept up on me ,but i have discovered it is very comon ,this fear of the unknown as i thin that is what it is!I do this as soon as the thought rears it's head....i let the fear grow and the desperate feeling that comes with it..then i think well if it is like a light going off i wont know anything about it,and if there is a heaven[or afterlife]then what a bonus!This had taken a while to perfect,the keeping it simple approach!But it works 4 me!Lovely to talk to you.love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore